Nanny is not pleased that "Camera Girl" (me) has pointed the lens towards herI'm on the other side of the fence, which you can't see, and this goat is watching to make sure I don't cross the line.
Please note: Photo Hunter is the post below
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Great photo! Glad that you respected Nanny's wishes. Never cross the line!
Just a hoot!
Goats are like that!
makes me laugh a lot - this quizzical face hahahahaha Sandy
Hello girl! Oppsss don't you be angry! You look great. :)
I played too today.
They do get possessive don't they? Good thing they only have one row of teeth or you could be in trouble!
As I scrolled down and the head of the goat came into view, I started giggling. She is so cute!
Nebraska Birding
She is sure giving you 'the look'.
How fast can you run? LOL MB
Did you smooth-talk her and tell her how gorgeous(????) she is????? She truly looks like she could come AT you at any moment...Doesn't look as if she is SMILING for the camera...
Have a great weekend --and stay away from 'dem' big ole goats.
That is a hefty looking goat! I don't think I'd cross her line either. Wonderful shot.
She seems big lookin, is she preggy? Love the stare?
Great photos. if my hubby wast there you would get a goat chasing a man shot. lol
Love this one! Glad you both remained safe ;--) I played at Small Reflections and Happily Retired Gal today.
Hugs and blessings,
That's a funny shot. What in the world is going through that goat's mind?
Yep! There's some attitude in those eyes!
I played too :)
But Nanny you look as pretty as a picture.
That goat does look serious...I wouldn't cross the line!
I like her! She's got a certain something... :D
Of course goats are my favorite. She looks like she's very proud!
That's so funny! She really does NOT look amused to see you. :)
She has her eye on you for sure! I like the facial expression-a very good photo.
Here I thought it was posting for you! Great catch! Good thing thee is a fence. . .
sigh I ahve got to check my typing before I send. . . I meant posing not posting.
have have have have BIG sigh
EG: Thanks for sharing the guard goat, I wouldn't mess with him.
I love that smile on the goat's face!!
Your pictures are terrific. Each one of them. So you are yet another blogger from Canada. I've got to meet so many of them recently and they are all wonderfully interesting people!
Yeh you have to watch those goats they can get mean.Nice goat
Look at those hooves - I'd stay away too!
I do like how's she seems to be staring at you. :)
She looks heavy with child to me....or should I say with kid?
She doesn't look impressed that she is getting her photo taken!! Have a great day!!
I love goat photos. Goats just crack me up. They are so comical looking.
And this one is definitely keeping an eye on you.
Nice photo!! And I love the "For Rent" nest up above. You're too funny.
Hehehe - Don't even think about crossing that fence-line woman! Love the picture!
I love this photo. A lovely goat!
Definately a goat with Attitude, LOL!
She is a doll! Looks pretty nosey. :)
I'm gad you didn't cross the line, but you caught a great picture.
Cute. My sister-in-law has goats. My son went into the yard with his cousin and the goat ran up and head butted him.
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