One of the first daffodils to bloom in my gardens this yearYes, I KNOW you've already seen tons of daffodils this spring...but not in
MY yard! Mine have just begun to bloom.

To see more photos Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC) visit Jan at
Yes, oh yes, oh yes! Beautiful daff. Glad you went there.
Wonderfully sharp's one of those photos that puts a smile on your face!
AND I must say the best is last!!!!!!!! Look at that vibrant color!!!!!!!!!!! You done good growing them and photograhing them!
Wow, your daffodil is outstanding. Wonderful for SOOC.
Gorgeous, sharp and so vivid naturally.
I have to agree with you. We have seen lots of Daffodils, but when they are in your own yard they take on a special beauty. That smell is unique, and I think I can smell this one.
Wow, that's a dainty. Lovely color too.
ah we left 54 daffodils behind when we moved but I do have a view of other foliage and don't have to tend it.
That daff is smiling at me!
Oh so beautiful. Don't they just make you feel so good. MB
So very pretty!
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