Thursday, May 21, 2009

Parked at Sunset/ Sky Watch

All quiet on the western front

I admire school bus drivers. I have no idea how they keep their sanity while driving a busload of noisy kids home at the end of the day.

But at the time of this sunset photo, the bus was empty under this light pole and the driver was inside his/her house . And I hope the driver was enjoying the beauty and serenity of the western sky as much as I was.

To see tons of gorgeous skies from around the world, visit the Sky Watch Website and click on Mr. Linky:


Dewdrop said...

Oh, wow! The sky is amazing! It looks like it's on fire! Spectacular. I got my daughter's bus driver a thank you gift this year. They are heroes!

Pearl Maple said...

Beautiful view to relax with at the end of the day. Thanks for sharing with us all in Sky Watch Friday.

Becky said...

What a gorgeous sky EG. So pretty.
I have to agree with you, that the bus drivers must be such special folks, and I give them tons of credit.
I couldn't do it.
Happy SWF.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Clever title and very unusual vibrant fiery colours.

cieldequimper said...

The sky is wonderful yes, but the composition is amazing! The flag, the illuminated school bus, oh a postcard please!

Dagrun said...

Let's hope it was, I agree with you I could never drive a bus like that (even though I have kids). Lovely sky!!

Merisi said...

This is a great sunset and the bus with the reflections gives the pictures an extra punch. Well done,
happy SkyWatch! :-)


Wonderful colors on your sky! And love your title! :)

Lowell said...

Now that's really fire in the sky!

P.S. You couldn't pay me enough to drive a school bus!

I thought teaching was tough sometimes, but bus drivers have the hardest job of all!

How come so many people with really hard jobs get paid so little?

Copenhagen said...

It looks like the sky is on fire.

RA said...

I really think that the driver was enjoying the beauty and serenity of the western sky. I know that I do! Have a wonderful weekend :)

PERBS said...

I so love to watch sunsets from my 8th floor window! Soooooooo beautiful!

George said...

You're right -- school bus drivers are a special breed. Thanks for this gorgeous evening sky.

Carver said...

That's a fantastic sunset and I love the way the school bus appears in the shot. I don't see how the school bus drivers do it either.

Jama said...

This is awesome, the sky looks like it's burning!

Willa said...

wow! what a beautiful scene!! and i love the little flag.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fabulous photo, EG... I love the colors in that one. WOW!

Photo Cache said...

Now that is a spectacular photo. I like that neon thing on the bus.

I too wonder how bus drivers deal and cope with all those noisy kids they shuttle too and from school. But I salute their patience.

Ebie said...

What a beautiful sunset, with fiery orange and blues. Nice capture!

Anonymous said...

Wow, wondrous sky you have captured. Great shot of the magnificent sky color.

That is the chicken said...

Oh I like this. It tells a whole story...the end of a day at work, the cool colours of a spring evening set against the blazing sky. Home.

Carolyn said...

What a wonderful photograph with great composition. The sky is simply amazing and I love the flouresant tape on the bus. So much to see but very relaxing. Thanks for sharing.

Reader Wil said...

I am sure the driver did! I enjoyed the beautiful colours of this sky! They are gorgeous!. Thanks for showing and for visiting my blog.Have a great SW day!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh wow, that is a beautiful sky. Glorious--It seems to me that here we have been having a great amount of great skies lately.
I think if I was a bus driver I would drive off a cliff. MB

Audun said...

Amazing colours in the photo. Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

What a great captured sky shot.
Happy weekend.

erin said...

a gorgeous capture...liked it very much.
have a wonderful weekend.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Lovely sunset ;--)
I marvel at bus drivers too.
Hugs and blessings,

Mojo said...

Marvelous sunset! And I agree... I don't know how you stay sane driving a school bus either. Just driving my two around when they were younger tried my patience.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.