Thursday, August 25, 2011

East Gwiillimbury Farm/ Sky Watch

Monday evening sunset over an East Gwillimbury farm

The sky was more colourful north of where the sun was going down.

Pink clouds to the north of the farm

To see tons of beautiful skies from around the world, visit  Sky Watch


Joyful said...

Beautiful. What is the photoshop technique you are using to give the photos a vintage and almost painting like feel?

Zosia said...

The second photo looks like a painting. Beautiful.
P.S. Thank you for your birthday wishes. Yes, it seems that my birthday present camera is a newer generation of Canon Rebel. I have a lot to learn, but I am looking forward to it. Have a nice day!

Malyss said...

I was thinking the same: your second pic looks like a Turner's painting, or any of the XIXth century painters!How beautyful!

Darla said...

You seem to have so many beautiful sky days where you are, maybe because your weather changes more than ours does.


Kate said...

I think it's truly amazing how the sky can delight us. Seems we never tire of looking at its shifting images. Great photos,

Elisa N Viajes said...

Your skies are amazing!
Have a nice day

Leif Hagen said...

I love the purple clouds and lighting! Nice to see the farm - ahh!

Carver said...

I love your rural sunsets.

Roan said...

Now these are gorgeous skies. Love the silhouette of the silo in the first.

TexWisGirl said...

just beautiful.

Halcyon said...

I still think the skies are better in EG. :)

Judy said...

Wonderful! I just love your sky shots.

MadSnapper said...

that last view of the sky is most definitely worthy of sky watching. love those clouds

Lois Evensen said...

Just wonderful. Mother Nature certainly opened up her color palette!

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful colours, the picture of the farm is wonderful,

don said...

I like the sunset shot with the silo and the glow of the failing sunlight on the clouds in another direction. Just as pretty… both are very attractive images.

Jack said...

The first photo is really good, with the bright flash of light at the horizon.

George said...

These are beautiful pictures of the setting sun and sky. I like the gold on the horizon in your first picture -- and the silo standing guard. The clouds in your second photo are gorgeous.

RedPat said...

The sky has been beautiful lately and you always seem to catch it at its best! Fabulous.

kayerj said...

I love the clouds in the second picture

Pearl Maple said...

Happy Friday, nature has put on such a pretty show for your photos this week, thanks for sharing with SWF

Sylvia K said...

Amazingly beautiful skies, colors and superb captures as always! They do indeed look like paintings! And what a glorious way to end the day! Happy SWF! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Ms. Becky said...

your skies are always, always gorgeous. happy day to you EG.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a story in those clouds!

Eaglesbrother said...

Beautiful Pastel colors in your Sunset..well Done !!

Liz said...

Lovely skies! Happy sky watching.

Liz @ A Simple Life

Unknown said...

I like number 2 also!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Steffi said...

Wow...this are so beautiful photos of skies!Great shots!Have a nice weekend!

B i r g i t t a said...

Love the sky colours - so beautiful EG!

Toni said...

Love that first pic. Looks like the field is on fire! Looks like a setting where I grew up in WI.

Anonymous said...

dreamy is the first word that came to mind when i saw the first image.

Anonymous said...

Splendid skies you have there!

nonizamboni said...

Just stunning! And pink clouds like cotton candy. What a delightful visit to your blog to see these photos.
Thanks for sharing!

Ebie said...

You always show the greatest rainbow of colors of your sunset!


Anonymous said...

You do seem to have more than your share of exciting skies!.....:(
Just wait 'till our winter!... watch this space!.....

Thanks for your time & enthusiasm!....:)

Laura said...

so beautiful...dawn was truly special here this morning.

Kay L. Davies said...

Fabulous clouds in both photos, but I especially like the pink ones to the north. We get often all-around-the-sky sunsets out here on the prairie, too. Awesome, aren't they?
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

The things I have seen are very encouraging and your photography is spot on. I really admire your photography skills and your critical eye for composition, lighting and texture.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Kathie Brown said...

These are definately WOW! type photos! Just beautiful!

Gaelyn said...

Spectacular sunset!

Dimple said...

Love those pink clouds!

Judie said...

What serendipitous photos! Excellent work! We have such beautiful skies in Tucson, and I have lots of sunrise/sunset photos. Maybe I should post some of them if I can remember just where they are!!!

Judy said...

So hard to tell which I prefer - they are both great photos, but so different!!

Smalltown RN said...

That pink sky is simply amazing!

Kim, USA said...

Your sunrise is beautiful! Wish I could get sunrise photos too. ^_^

Al said...

Simply gorgeous. These look like paintings!

lissa said...

two lovely views

Randy said...

Stunning skies!

SandyCarlson said...

These are spectacular, breathtaking!

Unknown said...

We can all thank the Painter in the sky for wielding the brushes in such a superb manner:)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos - they are like gorgeous paintings!

Hildred said...

I love the touch of purple and the wonderful depth to the clouds in your second photo.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Beautiful photos that convey a sense of tranquility.

Carletta said...

You always get a great composition - this is lovely!
Love the billowy clouds.

Padharo Rajasthan said...

This is simply beautiful !! Great Post !1

Padharo Rajasthan

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice photos.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous tinge of pink in the bottom photo. Almost like a painting.

Andy said...

EG, you have done it again with a couple of fantastic sunset photos. Keep on clicking.

Jackie said...

Both totally awesome shots, seeing skies like these makes me wish I could paint them.

NatureFootstep said...

love it. There seem to be some fog in there to. :)

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I think this is another one of those pictures where the inclusion of the grain store makes it far more interesting.

Well done!

Stewart M - Australia

Alexander said...

Very lovely cotton like clouds.

Have a good weekend.

Alex's World! -

forgetmenot said...

Two absolutely lovely photos. Beautiful skies--beautiful setting. Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

Francisca said...

Both your sunset captures are delicious; yet I agree with you, often the sky away from the sun is the more spectacular. As Kay says, those all-around-the-sky sunsets are awesome.

Dhemz said...

oh la la...very pretty....looks like a painting!

thanks for dropping by at

Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang said...

A very colorful sky.


Vinni said...

I like the cloud formation, its a wonderful view.

Thanks for dropping by

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.