Wednesday, August 31, 2011

T/ Alphabe-Thursday

TRASH the dress photography, Lake Simcoe, Ontario

Trash the dress is a style of modern wedding photography in which a bride's wedding gown is destroyed to create an "artwork" to be displayed on a wall, a reflection of the couple's crazy younger days as they grow old together.

I don't know this couple. My camera and I were spies. Well, actually we just happened to catch this on our way to photograph a beautiful sunset.

Same couple trashing the dress

So, what do you think about this kind of artwork?

Added later: I don't think it's the dress they hang on the wall but the photos of the trashing. :)

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Small City Scenes said...

Well it looks like a beautiful dress before it was 'trashed'. To each his/her own I suppose.

About the yellow barn: the people have a mixed herd of Angus and Hereford and the barn is used for their hay storage. MB

Malyss said...

Not sure to like it. I'm maybe too romantic, but why to trash a beautyful dress, after what is supposed to be a beautyful day?..I'd prefer a memory like your 2nd pic, a beautyfl light in front of the sea.

One said...

The photos are beautiful! They look like models. But I wouldn't want to trash. Others can trash all they want, if they want to.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not for me, but i say whatever floats your boat, but if it is one of those really really expensive dresses, i am against it and it is just one more thing Americans do that is a waste of money. well now that i said my say, i guess i don't mean what ever floats the boat.

Indrani said...

Probably it wasn't the original dress. Great idea for pics though.

Halcyon said...

I think it sounds a little strange. I wouldn't want to hang an old trashed dress as artwork. But that's just me I guess! I had my wedding dress cut up and made into a quilt which my husband and I share on chilly nights in front of the TV.

Dimple said...

Personally, I think it is a waste of money. I like Halcyon's idea, though!

don said...

Fine capture of this photographer hard at work. I hope he knows what he's doing. I don't know what to think of the 'trash the dress' idea. Hmmmm

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Not sure I get it. Just by dipping oneself gown and all in the lake the gown becomes trash? Wet for sure but trash seems a harsh word. The photographic effects seem rather beautiful. And who would hang tray on a wall? Perhaps it is a play on the word??

RedPat said...

Takes all kinds - seems like something to do after the divorce rather than after the wedding!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Well I love the freedom of expression in all forms of art. I did like the dress though.Not sure. B

cieldequimper said...

Art? I prefer Michelangelo.

VP said...

Never heard of this, I think that most of the brides here would kill anyone even only suggesting such a thing...

wildcatwoods said...

This is new to me - interesting way to remember your wedding!

Carolina Mts

Lois Evensen said...

I'm still a traditional kind of gal.... I think trashing the dress is just plain stupid.

George said...

This is the first I've heard of this wedding custom. I'm sure the couple will have a beautiful picture to hang on the wall, but I sure hope the dress they're trashing costs less than my daughter's dress cost!

VioletSky said...

Seems an expensive waste to me.
But I like your photos of the event.

kayerj said...

I'm not for that at all--I'm glad my daughters didn't trash their dresses.

Anonymous said...

I've read about this trend. And I have to say, I think it's a pretty fun way to thumb your nose at a wedding industry that demands you spend an insane amount of money for even the simplest of wedding celebrations. More power to the bride who has the guts and confidence to trash her dress! The pictures and memories will mean much more than the tulle and ruffles.

Unknown said...

Maybe a person shouldn't spend so much on the gown in the first place so that trashing it wouldn't be so bad - I have mixed feelings - I've hardly looked at mine in 37 years (and I don't like it any more) but I have my mom's gown which is a treasure beyond all treasures . . .

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

love the sea wedding image,

it depends on people's individual taste,

trashing a wedding dress seems wasting.

Deanna said...

I have never heard of trashing the wedding dress. Wow, as much money as brides spend on their dress, I would imagine it would be kinda hard to just trash it. I assume they are married prior to the "trashing"?? Great capture of this new "art?"

Dawn said...

I think I would cry if mine got "trashed". HOW do people come up with these ideas?....

Esther Joy said...

I loved reading the comments in reaction to your blog this week! I guess I thought Red Pat had a great come back with her words - seems like something to do after the divorce rather than after the wedding!

P.S. Thanks for your recent visit to my Joy4Today blog about the disaster relief. We went to Manitoba to see my sis before we went to Minot, and you are so right - the flooding is terrible there, too.

Jenny said...

I've never heard of this, but it actually sounds kind of odd to me. Why would you spend all that money on a dress and then trash it?

Oh well...I guess that's just a sign of how old I'm getting! Not in touch with the new trends - ha!

Thanks for an interesting link this week.


Anonymous said...

i have mixed feeling ~ it feels a bit contrived but also i'm open to interesting photo opportunities?? great shots & question.

thanks for the lovely comment on my blog :)

Sandy said...

I just don't know how I feel about this.. the couple must take formal photos before they trash the gown.. oh well, if they like it,, I love it! hmmm?

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Well now, I wish to have to kind of money that the dress cost to do something good with it..

Beautiful photos!

Judie said...

Well, if the bride PAID for the dress, trashing it is up to her! But if her parents paid for the dress, they might not appreciate that.

Your photos are always beautiful!!!

Judy said...

I think it's kind of neat myself...I'm also thinking that this is really not her actual wedding dress...I bet it's one she found pretty cheap just so she could do this.
Great shots of it! said...

Wow, that post engendered a lot of interesting conversation. I don't think, even when I was young I looked great soaking wet, some I'm not sure looking over "drowned rat" pictures would be my idea of memories I would want. However, I do like the comment about thumbing your nose at the over priced/hyped wedding market. Nice shot on your part.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

To each their own, I guess!

Not something I'd do, but what the heck!

Crazy kids!

Carletta said...

Well.... :)
I have only looked at mine a couple of times in almost 37 years. My first thought is a day spent having fun and being together whether it be walking into the water or a paint ball fight to 'trash the dress'could just as easily provide lovely memories as a dress in a box that you barely look at and will most likely never wear again.
You were in the right place at the right time - images to make us think. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved my dress. I don't think my heart would be in trashing it.

Anonymous said...

I hope they paid for their own wedding 'cuz if I was mother of that bride, she would have a lot of explaining to do!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I have sons; I'd be pissed if I spent big $$$ on a gown for my daughter and she trashed it.

It does make for interesting photography, neat catch!

Pat said...

Well, it doesn't work for me but then I come from a distant generation which is having difficulty understanding the present one and their disposable thinking. Seems like a huge waste of money and I think they might regret it later on...

Kathy said...

Different strokes for different folks. I have actually heard of this up and coming wedding activity of dress trashing. I originally thought the first photo was of a baptism!

Cindy said...

A little strange and "trendy." Great pics, and I am interested in the statement they are trying to make.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this. I kind of like it. They would probably enjoy the pictures on the wall more than a dress stuffed in a box.


Randy said...

Like Kathy, I kind of like the idea. Great photos.

Annesphamily said...

I think it is terrible personally! My daughters friend was married on Cape Cod and wore an over the top dress which she did indeed trash! She is in the process of a divorce! Yikes!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

To each their own, of course, but I couldn't do something like that. I'm much to sentimental....and,when I spend a bunch of money on something, I take good care of it.

Darla said...

Strange - that's what I think.


Unknown said...

Hmm, interesting. Definitely now what I would do with my wedding dress but then again, everyone has a different idea on how to "preserve" them, right? I guess there's no harm in trashing it if it's going to end up sitting in the closet for the rest of their lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Kinda makes me sad to see such beauty trashed.But I guess "to each their own"..

Susan Anderson said...

Whatever works for them, I guess. Seems a bit odd, but to each his own.


Madeline said...

Seems a bit odd, but if they enjoy it, more power to them!

Stopping by from Alphabe Thursday!

Pondside said...

I find it odd and a bit sad. I can't imagine having so much and taking it so much for granted - why not give the dress away so that another woman, less fortunate, might have a day in a special dress.

Zosia said...

Interesting. Never heard of this before. It seems that people now are upping one another in a more "original" wedding. The amount of money and the effort put into this one day (albeit important) seems disproportional to the number of marriages that survive many years together.

i stora drag said...

Hi there!
I have not read all of your comments here, but I think we are lots of people who thinks this is a really crazy thing to do! Destroying dresses like that, which cost much money! I don't like this at all, but it was fun to see your photographs of it!
Kind regards from
Pia in Sweden

Francisca said...

Waste is not my wont. Neither is following trends. I've never heard of trashing the (wedding) dress photography and can't say I relate to it at all, certainly not as art. But I'm a live and let live kinda person...

Gill - That British Woman said...

what stunning photos they will have for the rest of their lives,


Birgit said...

Well, I would never trash a dress like this... The photos are pretty cool though.

Greetings from Germany,

PS: See my T post here! :)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.