Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ice Storm Aftermath

 Ice Storm, five days later

The big news here is the ice storm that arrived last Sunday. Many people (mostly in Toronto) are still without power because so many broken tree limbs landed on power lines. Hydro (electrical) crews have been working non stop.

 Ice on staghorn sumac berries

Ontarians north of the city (where I live) were much luckier! My neighbourhood has experienced power flickers and that's all.

Ice on fences and weeds in the countryside

Fence, weeds and ice under hazy sun

I am Linking to Mosaic Monday HERE.
Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.

Note City Daily Photo bloggers: The CDP theme for January is “Photo of the Year.”  


Andy said...

It sure looks beautiful but losing my electric power for 22 hours was not fun.

Carole M. said...

that's certainly looking very chilly; good on you getting out and taking the must've been COLD

Kate said...

These are beautiful scenes but cause so many problems for residents and workers. Has the potential for also being very dangerous. It is SO COLD here, but I'm happy that we don't have beauty to contend with!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

We went ten days without power about 12 or 13 years ago- it was awful. We had the ice, but it disappeared pretty quickly. It just took forever for the power guys to get out and repair all the damage- so much of it.
Love your mosaic of winter shots- very pretty.

Revrunner said...

A storm's silver lining.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh it is so very beautiful and so very destructive My daughter lives in downtown Toronto she came home to a warm house and food.No power for five days.We had ours. She had to go back to busted radiator pipes leaking roof and food gone bad it was nasty I feel so sorry for all who are dealing with no power and the ones that have to deal with the aftermath. Your photos are beautiful. Hug B

eileeninmd said...

Wow, these are gorgeous images and scenes.. I hope the power comes back, I have been there and it feels awful to go days without power. Take care and stay warm.

Wishing you all the best in 2014, Happy New Year to you and yours!

rainfield61 said...

That's beauty and the beast.

Lowell said...

I'm impressed that you got out in the cold to take these wonderful photos. The first shot is gorgeous with that warm light mitigating the cold ice! What a storm! Glad you didn't suffer significant damage.

Laura said...

It is so frustrating to live in the ice storm zone. Our first terrible ice storm after we moved here we did not have a generator. Is it possible to have your own generator in the city with homes so close together?

Your photos sure are beautiful though. Wishing you a very Happy New Year:-)

TexWisGirl said...

it's beautiful. glad your area was spared. some wonderful fence photos here!

Judy said...

Such a devastating storm should not look so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The ice storm did produce some wonderful photo images. I am going to have to look up how an ice storm differs from a regular snow storm.

Kerri Farley said...

Nature - Beautiful and Dangerous!
Gorgeous captures!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the way the sun rises play with the lighting on the snow. so pretty!! gorgeous! ( :

Gail Dixon said...

So sorry for those without power. That ice is beautiful, but can cause quite a bit of damage. Hope it thaws soon!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The damage and loss of power is not good,but in all of that there is still so much beauty.I'm glad you were able to capture some of that.

Unknown said...

These are so beautiful! The colours on the top shot are absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...


Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Beautiful photos of the ice! Too bad that it can be so destructive. I feel so bad for those that have been without electricity for days. I hope it is all repaired soon.

Nancy said...

Gorgeous ice formations, but it does look frigid! Happy New Year!

Randy said...

You captured some beautiful images. Stay warm.

Mersad said...

An ice storm is no fun thing, but your photos make it beautiful. Love those icy landscapes.

Mersad Donko Photography

Jeanne said...

Beautiful, but you have definitely captured COLD. Hope that things are getting back to normal . So much damage with those ice storms. Hope that your new year is a good one!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks beautiful but I have to feel for you, we had storms and floods and a lot of people have been without power over Christmas

Small City Scenes said...

Brrrrrr! Now that looks and probably is chilly cold. MB

RedPat said...

It was visually beautiful but so stressful and scary! We just this morning discovered that our hydro mast coming into the building was hanging on by a thread - the weight of the ice on the lines had pulled the support cables out of the wall. All is fixed now and we were lucky that we noticed it! Glad you were fine.

maryaustria said...

Beautiful photos! Fascinating ice formations. But I also heard about the problems the storm caused.
Wishing you all the best in 2014!

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

Nature can be so beautiful yet scary. Your photos are so artwork. Hope you have a very happy 2014!

NatureFootstep said...

first image is stunning. But it looks so heavy for the trees and everything. I hope people have their power back soon.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

ellen b. said...

You can feel the cold in these photos! Beautiful images.
A very Happy New Year to you and yours!

William Kendall said...

Amazing shots particularly that first one. Being in southern Ontario the last few days I have seen a good deal of the damage frlom the storm.

SandyCarlson said...

These are some stunning photos!

I hope Toronto gets its power back asap. Nothing worse, this time of year!

Taken For Granted said...

Ice storms can be deadly and cause damage, but this one sure looks great in your photos if you don't think about the consequences.

Michelle said...

Ice is always so beautiful, but wreaks such havoc. Glad to hear you were spared any power outages.

Jack said...

You are indeed lucky. Also lucky that the storm gave you the opportunity to take wonderful photos.

Linda W. said...

SO PRETTY! Yes, we get ice storms occasionally here in Oregon and they can be inconvenient or destructive, but the ice formations they create sure are beautiful.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your photos are incredible...the light is making the snow and ice really sparkle. We've been watching the news and hoping everyone has power soon. Take care! Happy New year!

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

The ice made for lots of photography. The sun on the ice made everything sparkle. Happy New Year. Valerie

Stephanie said...

It looks so pretty with the sun glistening on the snow and ice.

Darla said...

The storm made for some wonderful pictures but I'm sure those without power didn't enjoy it at all. Glad your's stayed on.


Anonymous said...

Everywhere is still glistening from the ice storm on this sunny day. Lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. Hope everyone has gotten their power back.

Carver said...

Beautiful shots but I'm sorry about the power outages. I've had that happen before in an ice storm and it's no fun.

Arija said...

Nature, although at times ferocious is still the best artist there is.
Have a bright and Happy New Year!

Leora said...

Gorgeous - too bad all that beauty comes at a price. Stay warm.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

beautiful shots. Winter seems to provide such beautiful subject matters, well done

Rambling Woods said...

Beautiful but such problems... I am glad we made it through with power..... Michelle

Shirley said...

As devastating and disruptive the ice storm was, it certainly is beautiful.

Rose said...

These shots are just other word for them!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.