Monday, December 16, 2013

Santa Decor

 Extreme Decorating 2

Perhaps you remember the home I posted in October that was decorated for Halloween HERE.  This is the same place!

 Soldiers guarding the front door

 All aboard! 

 Santa delivering gifts on a motorcycle

 A second holiday train

Festive snowmen

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Anonymous said...

They must have a warehouse around the back to store all their various decorations in, very impressive!

Judy said...

I find that somewhat too much!!! Imagine what their electric bills must be like, keeping this stuff all inflated...
Okay, I have a lot of Grinch blood...

Elizabeth Edwards said...

my fav are the toy soldiers ... neat decor. i have noticed these blow up guys have become very popular these days. i always wonder about the price. ( :

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow I LOVE it... the work that takes is unreal. I still had a pumpkin on my step till this weekend:) Great shots. Hug B

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You know it is not something I would do for my house but I do appreciate the effort that went into it. Moderation in all things is itself extreme.

Andy said...

Over cooked, yes... but I think they mean well.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No worry we have people who do that here.

William Kendall said...

Not at all surprising that they would be over the top.

Tanya Breese said...

holy moly, they sure go all out!

Tanya Breese said...

holy moly, they sure go all out!

Kathy said...

Too much for me! At these these blow-up pieces are easier to store. You'll have to check and see what they have for Easter!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wowzer! There is a house in my area that always puts those blow ups out. Nine times out of ten I will drive by and see them all deflated, looking like sad piles of colorful fabric. I don't like those inflatables.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think I will ditto the Holy Moly comment...those blow up things make an unholy noise, just one of them, and I am trying to imagine all those motors running at one time. Holy Moly said...

I like the way you put together the photos of this house,but I always think those inflatables make a home look cheap.I`d much rather see a prim grape vine wreath decorated...phyllis

aspiritofsimplicity said...

oh YUCK!!

Darla said...

Over the top for me but it is always fun to see how others like to decorate.


Icy BC said...

These are so cheerful to see, and colorful!

Elisa N Viajes said...

So beautiful!
Have a nice week
Elisa, in Argentina

Gail Dixon said...

Not my kind of decorating and hate seeing these guys lying around all deflated during the day, but hey, at least they have a fun spirit! And I guess the collection is easy to store. :)

TexWisGirl said...

i'm not a fan of those blow-up things either.

Haddock said...

Wow... so colourful. Any child's delight.

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh my! Well, at least they enjoy the holiday in a fun way. They are smart to place them on pallets so they can be removed easily after the holiday is over. They do put them away after Christmas don't they???? I hope.

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Well, they must have a lot of time on their hands because this is so much work. Good for them!! At least some people are in the Christmas spirit...makes the rest of us smile.

Indrani said...

Wow! So colorful and lovely!

Stephanie said...

Interesting assortment of decorations, very colorful, but feel that is a tad overdone. Too commercial, perhaps. I am more of a traditional decorations of lights.

Our photos said...

Cute photos!!!!

DeniseinVA said...

We see a lot of these decorations in our neighborhood but no competition here :) I can't help but think how if they have children, or the children in the neighborhood, they must love walking by at night as my neighbors light theirs up and these things look so much more fun and festive at night than in day time. Your photos are great!

RedPat said...

My first comment disappeared so here goes - I'm sure it cheers up a lot of people and fascinates the kiddies!

cieldequimper said...

I think I shall refrain from saying what this makes me want to do... :-) I imagine kids love it.

Ela said...

Wonderful decorations, I like it :)

Lisa Gordon said...

Over the top? Maybe, but it's great, and it only comes once a year.
I LOVE those toy soldiers!

Carver said...

Fun Christmas decorations. For some reasons scenes like that make me chuckle which is good in and of itself. I have some neighbors that get into the inflatables.

Anonymous said...

That would certainly count as extreme.

Sylvia K said...

i bet they have more fun on the holidays that most of us!! I could never do it, but it's fun to see what others do and I love your captures!! Thanks for sharing the fun!!

Fun60 said...

I think I prefer the gaudy lights to inflatables.

Muffy's Marks said...

Is there last name Griswald?

Snap said...

Where do they keep it all?!!! Too much fun. The Santa on the motorcycle did make me smile! Ho Ho Ho!

A Colorful World said...

Loads of Christmas fun! :-)

eileeninmd said...

Funny, extreme decorating!! Is there any room left for more? I hope they have little children there to enjoy all the decorations. Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!


I could never do this myself, but I love seeing it in other places & homes! They really went all out - I love the Santa train!

Anonymous said...

Over the top ~ great shots ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Rose said...

My question is always where do they store all the stuff the rest of the year!

Randy said...

I like the snowmen!

Karen said...

Terrific shots EG, but the decorating is a bit tacky for my taste.

Jack said...

Even though this is not at all my own style, I like seeing places like this. Enthusiasm is far better than not caring about anything.

Photo Cache said...

i salute those who enjoy decorating their houses and yards for every occasion.

Anonymous said...

Goodness - that's a lot of decorations!

Halcyon said...

It's a little much, but I give them credit for their enthusiasm! :)

Pat Tillett said...

I wonder where the store all this stuff! They sure do love the holidays. nice photos!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

These guys definitely go all out for the holidays. I live in a Park Model/RV community and a lot of RVers have these blow-up decorations in their yard. I'm not super fond of them, but obviously they take up less of their limited storage space. But it doesn't look like this homeowner would need to worry about that!

Powell River Books said...

I love to drive around and see the great Christmas decorations. We decorate indoors at our condo, but outdoors is a problem. - Margy

Nonnie said...

too much for my taste!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.