Wednesday, January 22, 2014


 Junkyard taxi

J is for Junkyard, Junk food  and Junk mail

An auto junkyard is great for rusty photo ops, methinks. Sadly, this taxi had no rust that I could see, which makes me wonder why it was there. This is the kind of car you need to know how to fix yourself. I'm not qualified.

 Junk food

As you know, not all junk rusts. Some satisfy our "sweet teeth." Are you suddenly feeling famished?

I took this camera with my "spy camera." OK, this candy display was at the front of the store and anyone passing by could see what I was doing.  I call it my spy camera because I can slip it into my pocket. Luckily I live in a village and the owners, cashiers and deli workers know who I am.  Either they they are afraid of me or they think I'm totally harmless.

Normally, I would consider this photo a junk photo, but not today!

Fun fire engine mailbox and a container for Junk mail

And what would modern life be without junk mail? Sadly, I cannot remember a time before junk mail in either my real or virtual mailboxes.

Just plain junk

Do you suppose workers were sleeping on the job here?

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 


The Cranky said...

Too fun; love the junkyard taxi!

eileeninmd said...

Fun post! I like the junk mail and the mailbox. Very cute. The Taxi does not look bad, I wonder why it was in the junk yard? Someone's treasure I am sure..Have a happy day!

Andy said...

Almost as junky as the weather.

Darla said...

I hope someone rescues the taxi. The mailboxes are both very clever. You've shown us junk can be very interesting.


Lowell said...

Super post, EG! Love that taxi and it does look like it's in great shape. Gotta wonder why it's sitting there amidst the junk and snow.

I could show you my email box if you want to see junk mail!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The Taxi is a Hot Rod, may be it was left there & fogotten about. Never thought about a seperate box fot junk mail which sadly makes up most of mine

Kate said...

You certainly have cluttered up your mind with a lot of junk today! I'd LOVE to have someone fix up that taxi and give it to me. Wouldn't it be fun to have?!

Pamela Gordon said...

Fun junk pictures! The yellow taxi should be restored I'd think. I love junk candy but not junk mail (especially email!). Sleeping on the job? :-) Strange pile of junk there in the last pic. Have a great day!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great example of J's. I love the taxi best.

William Kendall said...

The taxi needs to be restored. Fun shots!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

As a junkyard junkie myself I can only admire these photos. Unusual to find anything so brightly coloured being scrapped.

Shammickite said...

Junk Mail! It just fills up the recycling box that is conveniently positioned next to my street mailbox! Love the other pictures, especially the taxi.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i think you know i use to be a mail carrier & i have never seen a fire truck mail box. awesome!! all sorts i have seen dump truck, lighthouses, fish, bears, tractors, tractor-trailers, they are all super awesome. love the fire truck. my kind of junk. i enjoy the junkyard taxi ... so one has lots of creative imagination. ( :

Buttons Thoughts said...

That is one very awesome Taxi to cute to sit in the junk yard I think. I need a chocolate bar now:) Great shots everyone of them. Hug B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob wants that taxi... i am thinking maybe someone drives it there? surely is i no junked. hope not. and i want the junk mail box, cool idea.


I love that "junk photo" with the bright mailbox best! (Don't junk your junk snaps!:) You found treasure in junk. (Glad the camera wasn't striking that day!:)

Anonymous said...

The bodywork on the taxi does look immaculate!

Judy said...

My husband wants the taxi and I want the firetruck mailbox.

Ruth Kelly said...

Love those mail boxes. I have never liked yellow cars but the one you took a photo of appeals to me.

TexWisGirl said...

loved the mailboxes. and the mattresses made me laugh!

Linda W. said...

Love the fire engine mailbox! Good interpretations of the "junk" theme.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

That "taxi" is someone's project that has a very desirable and expensive hemi engine. They poured a lot of money into it. Think they should of set some cash aside for a garage to house it in. A fun collection of photos here.

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

That taxi looks to good to be in scrap yard! A nice post.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Halcyon said...

You found some really cute ideas for J day. I especially love the taxi and that mailbox. I want one like that too!

21 Wits said...

Just plain wonderful, every shot. Oh my gosh the mailbox too cute. Just goes to show what's one person's junk can be another persons glory! I'll have to send this link to a blogger/FB friend that would enjoy your junkyard taxi!

Gail Dixon said...

That junk mailbox is awesome. You produced some fun photos for the meme. :)

cieldequimper said...

That's a lot of junk! I'm not sure which one is the scariest, perhaps the food one. But I love the mailbox!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

That taxi looks like it is in better shape than my truck!

Suburban Girl said...

I like all of your interpretations of junk!

RedPat said...

I like Andy's addition of junk weather. Good post, EG!

Esther Joy said...

Great photos! I love the old yellow taxi!

Judy said...

Love the junk mail one, that is clever.

Jackie McGuinness said...

A great post! Love the yellow taxi and junk mail.

Michelle said...

This is a great series. Very creative!

Pondside said...

Well done! If you lived near me I'd have invited you in to photograph my epic Junk Drawer.

Stephanie said...

Clever post on different variations on the word Junk and fabulous images to go with them.

Randy said...

You had me at Kit Kat.

Rose said...

I can remember some before junk snail mail...and I really don't get too much now. I found a place to send a letter to for snail mail and it really cut down on ours. Thank was awful how much we got.

Love your photos...and love your spy camera comments.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love the junk photos. Especially the taxi and the mail box!

A Colorful World said...

Love your J is for Junk! Very creative, and lots of wonderful subject matter!

Our photos said...

Cute junk photos!

Stuart said...

J is for just wonderful shots.

Along These Lines ... said...

Who knew junk could be so photogenic?

Eden House News and views said...

Brilliant Junk post . I wish I knew how people get so many comments My blogg needs an update and some action

Judie said...

fabulous junk!! The junk mailbox is such a clever idea. I would only check it once a week, on trash day!

Small City Scenes said...

I love all you 'J' pics. What a fun mind you have. What is the saying--One man's junk is another's treasure'--Mebbe so. MB

Unknown said...

That taxi should be saved. How very cool!

fredamans said...

That old taxi all souped up looks like it should be inside getting some tlc, not outside in the weather.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Wonderful your finds and your comments♪

Anonymous said...

Love that Taxi! Someone needs to take it home and fix it up. Glad everyone knows you're harmless.

Unknown said...

Such a fun post! Taxi is everybody's favorite and mine and you can always throw me some junk foods. lol


Anonymous said...

That's a cool taxi, too bad it was in the junkyard...looks like a real classic.

Susan Anderson said...

Some very interesting junk there!


Splendid Little Stars said...

love the mailboxes!

Jenny said...

I like that jazzed up junkyard taxi...

I bet the mailman gets a kick out of the Junk Mail bin!

Thanks for linking to the letter "J".


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.