Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wood and Wire

Paddock fencing, East Gwillimbury

Hazy sunshine and pristine snow are for me treasures.  Yes, it IS cold...but hey!  It's also January in Canada.

 Needs some TLC

Further down the road, this fencing surrounds another horse farm - or maybe it's actually the same farm as above - I can't remember at the moment.

Longer View

I am linking to Friday Fences here.


Ramakrishnan said...

Nice way to capture the snow - with wood and wire ! Good to note you enjoy this cold climate !

cath carbone said...

Magnifiques paysages canadien! j'adore!!!

The Cranky said...

Winter's genius is in unveiling the bones of beauty to the discerning eye...and you certainly possess that! Have I mentioned how much I enjoy being able to see through your eyes?

Indrani said...

None is spared, neither wood nor wire.
Great captures.

Kate said...

A lovely set of winter photos. The sky certainly is an unusual and interesting shade.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

How I wish it was like that here

Darla said...

I really like the muted colors in these fence photo's.


Suburban Girl said...

I love the lines of the first photo.

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice fences.


Pristine snow, ah nothing like it! You caught some glorious light and lines too:)

Cezar and Léia said...

Fantastic images! I'm delighted by so wonderful winter scenery there!Bravo!

MadSnapper said...

i like the way the sun is painting the snow in the first one, it has a glow to it and is beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These pictures do look cold,but they also have so much beauty in them.

TexWisGirl said...

with your title, i knew it would be great fence photos. :)

Ela said...

This is a very beautiful place even in the winter scenery looks fantastic.

Judy said...

Winter has a beauty all it's own.

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous winter shots!

George said...

Your first photo is absolutely fantastic, but all of them are beautiful.

Giga said...

Views of real winter, but beautiful. Yours.

Malyss said...

How beautiful! I can start dreaming!

Gail Dixon said...

I love the pastel colors of the sky. Really beautiful!

RedPat said...

A beautiful crisp winter day! Beautiful shots, EG!

Gattina said...

Looks beautiful but rather cold !!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! You truly have a winter wonderland there!

Small City Scenes said...

Snow and fences always a great combination. Neat shots. MB

Rose said...

All are beautiful! Snow just dresses up anything.

cieldequimper said...

Heaven, I'm in heaven and my heart...

Wait, no, I'm in rainy Versailles...

So beautiful!

Stuart said...

To follow up on Ciel's comment, your Canadian winters and snow are so impressive, yet we live farther north than you. And all we get are grey skies and rain ! Can we trade from time to time ?

Jo said...

how very serene and beautiful. wonderful shots!

Alica said...

That last shot is especially beautiful! I like the way the sun is shining through the clouds.

Mersad said...

Beautiful frosty landscapes.

Mersad Donko Photography

Unknown said...

wow nice photographs. I love a good snowfall, although i can do without the cleanup.

Karen said...

Winter is such a pretty time of year.

Splendid Little Stars said...

The cold and relative starkness of Winter can be so beautiful! You always capture such lovely images!

sunshine said...

Great photos and atmosphere.

genie said...

Sone beautiful snow can turn just an ordinary fence into a stunning one. Lovely photography.

Nancy said...

The snow and ice make even an old fence look pretty!

LV said...

Your part of the country is lovely anytime of the year.

Carletta said...

Snow and icicles and yes, it looks cold but oh my, it is beautiful as well!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

those are so cold looking view. brrr!! nice ones, my friend. stay warm. tea anyone? ( :

Jack said...

Three beautiful scenes, EG, but that first one is the one that really draws my eye. Nice!

Judy said...

Pretty frosted fences. It does indeed look cold.

Linda W. said...

Nice wintry scenes.

Stephanie said...

Love the frosty look to the fences, snow is pretty when untouched.

Randy said...

These would make nice cards.

s.c said...

Great shots . Like them

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, crisp clear winter light and scenery!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Keep these beautiful winter images coming EG, so refreshing in 38C :)

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love fences and snow photos!
They are gorgeous!

Lowell said...

Frame and hang that last shot! Gorgeeeeous!

I guess in East Gwillimbury
The wood and the wire
Make for great pictures
When conditions are dire
But to tell you the truth
I'd rather be sitting
With a hot cup of cocoa
In front of a fire!

The Greenockian said...

Love the angles in the first photo.

Ruth Kelly said...


kayerj said...

winter beauty :)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.