Snow came a tad too soon for the farmer who owns this corn harvester. He has cut down only a few rows of feed corn. :-(
But the machine sure looks pretty beside the road, perfect for Ruby Tuesday a week or so before Americans celebrate the year's harvest at Thanksgiving.

But hey! It's only mid November. Surely this dusting of snow will melt, the sun will dry the crop. and the farmer can finish his job...right?

To join in the Ruby Tuesday fun, visit Mary, theTeach at http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/
I can't imagine there's snow somewhere at this time of year. We so rarely get some here.
Why do agricultural equipments are often red? To make good subjects against snowy fields on Ruby Tuesday!
Brrr. We had snow flurries today, way down here in middle of nowhere Illinois. Just looking at the snow makes me colder than I already am. The heat wasn't working in the courthouse today. I kept my coat on all day. Miserable!
What in the world? We only see snow on the news! I love the tractor photo.
Weather's always playing tricks on us humans, eh?
Your photos make me shiver! :)
Thanks for a view of your world today,
New Mexico, USA
Looks great with that snow. Is this farmer just late or is the crop now just ready ?
I hope the farmer is able to continue the harvest soon. What is with the snowfall before the harvest, and not after?!
Now that is a rare sight, a snow bound harvester! Terrific catch, though not so good for the harvest. I hope it thawed quickly so all that good fodder did not go to waste.
It looks like winter has arrived in your part of the world.
We only had a dusting in the Buffalo area, but south got hammered..Oh, winter is here isn't it...
New Rambling Woods Site
Yesterdays photos beautiful todays brrrrrr!! Very pretty though and I am sure the corn will be harvested---is it for silage or seed? Too late for ears.
We always have Hawks around here I just never get a good pic. We have a pair of resident Eagles and the Valley is a wintering over place for Eagles and other raptors and Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swan, plus many, many ducks and sea birds. Pictures coming up. they come down from the arctic and work their way down British Columbia and Vancouver Island, depending on what food is available. MB
We've had snow for the last week I'm tired of it already. lol. Nice shot!
Amazing shot on that red snow truck!
Mine is, HERE. Have a great week ahead!
Oh wow...that's so cold!
My Ruby Tuesday posts are here and here. Happy Tuesday!
That is different for me to see cornstalks covered in snow. I like the ruby harvester sitting there...
We ended up not even getting a dusting...I thought at one time that it might actually give us that at least, but about the time I seriously thought it, it quit. I have sure enjoyed your pictures though!
I must say, that's one good looking harvester. Great shots.
Really pity the farmer!
What great photos. I don't get snow here unless it's up in the mountains so I enjoy seeing these photos. :-)
I hope the farmer can salvage all his crop
the tractor is a magnificent sight covered in snow
I just love your photos. I could spend all day looking at them. Love this one and the Dusting of Snow posts just below... and well, all of them.
i guess it's time for him to hibernate. great capture.
I hope he's able to get his crop in safely after all!
It's funny, I grew up in NY so I'm no stranger to snow, but after so many years away it just looks so utterly "foreign".
Such a contrast, the hot red with the cold snow. Beautiful opposites.
Great rural photos!
I have to smile - we both posted farm equipment in the snow. :)
Well, now the corn picker will probably have to wait until the weather clears up thought I am thinking if that is all the snow that falls he will be able to pick it later today.
Brrrr, that makes me feel cold, but very pretty! Love the red of the harvester against the white snow, and the other pic of the corn is great too. They've said it will go down to -10C here at the weekend but hopefully we wont get any snow, as the whole country tends to grind to a halt! Hope the farmer gets his corn in all right :-)
I see some corn around here to that didn't get picked yet either. Some of the farmers let it stand in the fields and pick it next spring.
That red picker looks great against the white snow.
Happy RT.
Beautiful snow-shots! Lucky you who have snow;)
Pretty but I do hope the farmer is able to harvest the rest if the snow melts.
I see you have another Darla posting in your comments. There aren't than many of us around.
Darla - the one in CA
so this means that when we get home from our holiday in Florida, I'll have to find my snow boots immediately?
FYI it's pretty cold here too today.
But no snow thank goodness.
Perfect red harvester in the snow! But is all that corn lost, EG? Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
The snow is beautiful!!!
I fel sad for the farmer but i pray that the sun will come back strong again so that the farmer can make use of the crop.
Great pictures!
Sure hope he can finish the harvest! That's too much corn to go to waste.
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