Fruit and vegetables fresh from the farm are delicious this time of year and for sure this store sells the tastiest, crispest apples of all! OOPS! Just wish I could remember which variety I purchased though. Do you have a favourite variety of apple?
And now...

As part of the award rules, I must list six things I like a lot, so (on my less serious side):
coffee, tea
walking in the rain
nature in general
OOPS! that's way more than 6?
OK, on my more serious side in alphabetical order:
a. Compassion
b. Ecological awareness
c. Family and friends
d. Integrity
e. Life-long learning
e. Wisdom
(and much, much more...)
And six things I do NOT like, again in alphabetical order:
a. Aggression
b. Bigotry
c. Commercialism
d. Excessive competition
e. Manipulation of the vulnerable
f. Unethical advertising
As for passing this award on to six other bloggers, how can I chose? There are far too many wonderful blogs out there that I love to visit...and YOU know who you are. ;-)
I am very proud to accept this award from Kostas as I think his photography is OUTSTANDING! Kostas has a marvelous eye for what makes a great photo. I find his work inspirational and I am striving to one day be as good as he is. To see for yourself what I'm talking about, check out
Thank you, Kostas!
That harvest scene photo is awe inspiring beautiful. Thank you for your visit.
Nice photo. Royal gala are my favourite.
What a beautiful setting in front of the store. Makes me want to shop there!
Congrats on your award and I enjoyed your list. I'd sit and share a pizza and beer with you anytime :)
Congratulations on the award! I think I love your photography about like you like Kostas!
And the photo here is exactly what I am talking about! Of course, fall colors just happen to be my favorites.
As usual you have posted a stunning photograph.
I like your thoughts on the awards. Like you, I feel honored when someone awards one to me, but I just cannot bring myself to pick one fellow blogger over another so I never pass them on.
I also liked your skywatch post on the Bittersweet. It is a colorful plant which is very attractive and as you mentioned an excellent source of food for birds.
I like your harvest scene. Beautiful!
Congrats on your Kreativ award. Well deserved.
I, also, have an award for you on my blog. Please stop by to pick it up when you get a chance. ;-)
First of all, thanks so much for wishign me a happy birthday, and your offer of some pennies to buy the sculpture. Sadly, I think it will be quite a few!
I love this photo - such a rich time of year for you.
Apples - well, I like croftons and pink ladies best I think.
Sydney Daily Photo
Wow, Congratulations on your award!
That picture is so Autumn! I love it.
Empire apples are my favorite. They are grown locally right here in New York state.
Have a wonderful week-end.
Great Harvest scene shot. U think my favorite apple is a Gravenstein but really a crisp juicy one will do. MB
A timely post!
Congrats on the award - well deserved!
Love the fall scene. There's not too many because everybody is rushing Christmas.
I like the honey crisp apples..Like a mac, but juicy..
Pumpkins are one of my favorite things about fall. This is a really nice arrangement. Congratulations on the award. BJ
Love your autumn photo. Congrats of the award. It was fun reading your lists of likes/don't likes. No matter how long we know someone there is always some new bit of info that pops up.
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