Taken this morning, this photo hints at how cold it was last night. After a dreary, cloudy yesterday, the clouds disappeared around sundown to leave clear skies. With no clouds to keep the warm air in, calm water developed a thin layer of ice. I hope you can see some of the subtle, delicate patterns.
The sky was still clear when I took this photo, which explains why the water looks so blue. This time of year the white bark on birches grabs my attention, even more so when it's reflected in water.
Red-winged blackbirds taunted me with their piercing screeches. They refused to land on any of the cattails so I could take a classic photo. But hey! Spring has only just begun. I have weeks yet to capture them with my camera.

So beautiful and great reflections. I like the White Birch too. I just can never capture them the way I want to.
The ice patterns are great. MB
It looks like shattered glass
The ice stand out in that blue reflected from the sky! No blue skies here for days but I found my first tulip!
The ice is interesting, my first thought was cracked glass as Kaye said.
Isn't it beautiful, if sad! Each day the rind is a little less thick, though. Soon we'll be inundated with PWCs! :-)
I love white birch, thanks for the lovely reflection!
It's really is beautiful. Cold, but beautiful.
Beautiful photo of the ice. Hopefully, it will gradually get warmer up your way--and spring will get there for good!
Glad you didn't have a hard freeze! My birds never cooperate with me and my camera!
That is beautiful. Yap like shattered glass.
it was cold yesterday and last night. Didn't realize there was still ice on the ponds though?
Great shot,
Gill in Canada
Winter sure is a stubborn old cuss in your world! We had a couple of gorgeous days to break up the seemingly endless rain we've had for the last 3 weeks. But I just looked outside, and it appears that's about to come to a halt. We've clouded up again, and there's more rain in the forecast.
Feast or famine I tell ya. 2 years ago we were in the middle of the worst drought in the state's history.
Love the patterns in the ice -- nice catch! And I hope your spiteful birds settle down soon so you can get a proper shot of them. I find birds in general to be very uncooperative.
Beautiful but dangerous!
Its almost shattered...great timing!
The ice looks so fragile, I love the way you have caught the reflections.
The patterns in the ice are fascinating. Great capture.
Nebraska Birding
The ice makes the photo so beautiful.
Beautiful picture. I like how the thinness of the ice slightly warps the reflection of the birches in the water.
What gorgeous colors the ice makes.
Darned those blackbirds! They never cooperate when you want them too ; )
The photo is beautiful. Inciteful. So glad it's just a skim of ice now. I'm sure the blackbirds are too!
I didn't notice that was ice at first. Amazing that it still carries the reflections as if it wasn't there. Great shot.
That brings back many memories of my youth living in the northern climes...very nice photo!
It looks like glass, and I like the reflection of the Birch trees.
beautiful and serene...love the glassy look on the surface of water.
Great photo! I like the pattern the ice makes.
This is a superb composition, with the white of the birches shading to the blue of the water toward the bottom of the image. Very pleasing to the eye.
Opened this and a chill ran down my spine! No snow but it certainly is still cold I see.
Lovely scene even if oozing cold.
Funny to think we are pretty much on the same latitude.
Beautiful shot. I love the fragile patterns on the ice.
You know, I love that reflection...I like the picture in general but that reflection is nice.
yes i can see the ice. wow!
I see it has been a cold night. The light is wonderful though and soon that ice will be but a memory and the the edges nice and green.
The reflected blue in the water is gorgeous as is the white of the birch tree.
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