That's right, no snow on this farmer's field, although in my world there's still plenty of the white stuff in the forests and other shady places.
I took this photo late Sunday afternoon while a farmer was just finishing harvesting last year's field corn. Seven days ago the field was covered with corn stalks and snow. Then it turned warm and rained. After the sky cleared, the temperature plummeted, but this farmer saw a "window of opportunity" and took action.
Environment Canada says March is going to be colder than normal. Ha! What does the weatherman know? I'm thinking pussy willows. It's still only a dream though.
And now to thank Tarolino at for giving me this heartwarming award. One of the best parts of blogging is getting to know so many of you around the world through your photos and words. The blogging world is such a warm place, don't you agree? I can't begin to list all the blogs I love to visit and oh how I wish I had more time to visit more regularly. Thanks to all of you who visit here and thank you, Tarolino, for telling me you like to come here!

I love the colors in this photo. And I think the straw-like color of the field makes it prettier than would gleaming white snow! You probably agree!
What a difference a day makes!
Congrats on the award - I love your blog too. :)
I don't even recognize the soil!! :-)
The photo is very attractive, with the red against the brownish background. It is nice to see the earth again.
What a beautiful photograph. Amazing all the changes this time of year and I bet the farmer was glad to be able to get some work done during the brief warmer spell.
Sometimes our harvest is stalled due to extreme fire danger. I can't imagine it being stalled by snow! Lovely pic - beautiful contrasting colours. And red tractors beat green tractors anyday.
There is a lovely light in the corn!
Congrats on your award :)
This picture makes me want to go away from the city for some fresh air. The picture is lovely :)
Congrats on the award!
How beautiful, and I can't wait for spring to come at last to our fields too! Our daffodils are appearing all over now, and I'm just hoping they don't get hit with a late frost. Thank you for such a warm-looking and lovely photograph today.
Louise got it right!
Great colors! And no snow does help, too! :)
Cheers, Klaus
I could use some of those barns.
Now that the corn has gone, you might get some great shots of frost on the stubble.
Good light capture as well.
I just love farm fields! There's always something so fundamental and peaceful about them. Yay to the farmer who not only recognized his opportunity knocking, he acted upon it!
EG: What a great shot of the field with no snow. We got a little more today but are on the uphill swing.
Lovely picture! Lol, when I read your title, my initial reaction was that oh, there won't be a fence this time! But upon close look, there was, although perhaps unintentionally?
Umm... "pussy willows"? Pardon my ignorance, but what do they have to do with snow? Is this a groundhog thing? Never heard that myth before.
What I like most is the splash of colour.
Another wonderful photo.
No snow or sunshine here. Bursting with warmth woth the sunglow.
Your photo is very beautiful and looks already like spring!
This photo is so "Americana." The colors are so vivid and amazing. I love it. So different from MyWorld!
Very nice capture!
That looks like a sure sign of spring to me, bright colored tractor under a blue sky. Great capture.
Congradulations of the award.
The contrast of that colorful machinery just makes this picture! You have so many wonderful things to capture with your camera! I like it even tho there's no snow. Ü
I am catching up -- I left three comments today.
There's great color and character in your photo. I love the rural scene.
Neat picture and it warmed me up just looking at it.
Well done on the award... you and your blog have always been worthy of awards and it as been a pleasure visiting here.. keep up the good work.
Wiggers World
Now there is a scene I see quite often here in Saskatchewan, perfect photo as always.
Have a great week!
Regina In Pictures
Great picture, doesn't look like a winter scene. We get used to it.
Nice tranquil scene. Thanks for sharing.
A wonderful world you have. Congrats on your award! Well deserved.
Re-mark-a-boo, as they used to say on the Little Rascals. That is some lovely view!
Wow---that does look like Spring is on the way!!!! Beautiful photo.
Isn't it nice to only see snow in the shade?
Nice description of a harvest. I wish the farmer continued happiness in what he knows and does best...
It is almost too hard to believe the snow will be gone and you will have your PussyWillows. MB
PS> My server said the problem is solved---I sure hope so. MB
Thank you for your comment on bullying in schools. So sad to tell you that today, a secondary school teacher was stabbed by a 17 year old student this morning. How sad it is.
I didn't know they could harvest the corn this late...and I believe the weatherman is right, unfortunately! It is great to see a snow free field.
Oh WOW! this is wonderful, no snow. There is hope. Nice award, you are loved and envied, and held in high e-steam, and admired, and found to be worthy of lots of praise. :D
LOL I didn't think that was a recent piccie! Very nice shot and roll on spring for you, we need rain here!
oh my goodness, this is fabulous stuff.
What a great shot of the field.
This is my world too :)
Great post!
Congratulations for your award. You really deserve it.
Good photo and isn't it nice to be rid of the snow :)
I too whish I had more time to visit all wonderful blogs around the world but such is not the case. Anyway I visit chosen ones as often as I can and here there's no risk of ever getting bored or dissapointed.
Your WW image is up to your usual excellent standard and that water certainly is high.
Wonderful color contrasts here. I'm glad the snow is gone for a while; although it's beautiful, there is more to the world than white frozen stuff! :)
Congrats, too, on your Post of the Day award.
Love the colors and the textures! And the fact that there is no snow! ;)
No snow sure is a good thing. The colors are brilliant compared to the bland corn stubble.
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