Saturday, October 3, 2015

Greenthumb's Scavenger Hunt

1. Woven

Scavenger hunts are so much fun! Boy do they ever make me think hard, but I do enjoy the challenge. Yep, twelve photos but this scavenger hunt happens only once a month. I am linking to Greenthumb, Saturday Critters and Shadow Shot 2 at the end of this post.

2.  Repeating

It's pretty the way the gingerbread trim repeats from post to post on this homes front porch.

3. Greedy

One sunflower seed was not enough for this woodpecker. I can't remember if it actually picked up more than two before it flew away, though.

4. Flowers

This obedient plant was blooming in my garden not so long ago. (sigh)

5. Curly

This was on the power lines. My husband told me what it was for but alas I cannot remember! I'm sure he'll tell me when he sees this post...but you can tell me too, if you know.

6. Adventures

This could have been #3 greedy. These guys can pack a LOT of treats in their cheeks. But these two chipmunks were also on a foraging adventure...and brave to walk up to a human hand even if it was filled with yummies.

7. Line (several, actually)

Hay ready to be bailed

8. Mesmerizing

What is it about a bonfire that makes it so appealing?

9. Triangle

Here's more gingerbread trim, which there's a lot of here on century-old homes north of Toronto.

10. Dreamy

Mists make the world look magical, dreamy...right?

11. Day

What a lovely day to be out in a canoe!

12. Whatever you want

Besides Greenthumb's Scavenger Hunt  HERE,

I am also linking to  Saturday Critters HERE.

and Shadow Shot Sunday 2 HERE.


The Cranky said...

These are all brilliant responses to the scavenger prompts; love the woven shadows in the first photo.

Chipmunks are shameless and greedy, too bad they're so cute as well. =D

Indrani said...

Great series! Each one is fantastic!!!

chica said...

Uma mais linda que a outra! Adorei! bjs, chica

Breathtaking said...

A wonderful series of photos.Love the shadow and line shots,and especially the woodpecker and chipmonks images.

Darla said...

Great choices for the scavenger hunt. Dreamy in the mist really caught my eye.


Revrunner said...

I like how you snuck dreams in their twice. :-)

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente trabalho fotográfico.
Gostei de ver.
Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

Shammickite said...

Gosh, a lot of pictures and they are all lovely! This could have lasted you 12 days of posts!! Chippies are so cute. I thought my family of chippies who lived under my front steps were gone, but I saw one yesterday, so still there. Probably preparing for winter!

Lowell said...

Again, congratulations are in order. I don't know how you do these scavenger hunts. I don't think I'd have the patience for them. Maybe if I was a doctor, I'd have more patients?

Great job!

shazza said...

Beautiful pictures especially the ones of the animals. The woodpecker is a delight and I love that the chipmonks will feed out of your hand.

TexWisGirl said...

a great set all the way!

Val said...

Stunning photos! I just love the wicker and shadow for Woven, and I love the trim on the old houses. Those chipmunks sure were brave, and they're so adorable. What a beautiful part of the world you live in!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you found a match for all twelve and all twelve are perfect. that curly cue is really cool. and the adventure with the chipmunks is what i would LOVE to do

Anonymous said...

That is a BIG scavenger hunt. I used to do one years ago but she didn't have so many to search out. I was hoping someone would say what the curly thing was for. I've never seen one of those.

Kathy said...

I always love your interpretations of the scavenger hunts. I've never done one but it's something I'd like to try someday, although I feel I might be a little bland compared to a pro like you!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You did very well in capturing each of the prompts.

21 Wits said...

Lovely shots, and that shadow is wonderful in the first photo!

Sylvia K said...

Awesome collection as always!!! I love them all and what a great way to start my weekend!!! Just the smiles I needed today! Hope you have a beautiful, fun weekend!!

Jackie McGuinness said...

Love scavenger hunts! Thanks for introducing me to Greenthumb's I will play along in October.

rainfield61 said...

I love to see your woodpecker.

William Kendall said...

The trim on the houses particularly appeals to me. I've never seen munks do that... but they're busy this time of year getting stocked up for the winter, so they're allowed to be shameless and greedy!

Anonymous said...

That hard disk of yours must contain quite a substantial collection of brilliant photos!

Debbie said...

WoW....these are all AWESOME!! each one was my favorite, until i viewed the next!! GREAT JOB!!!!

Lea said...

A wonderful series of photos!
Chipmunks are exceptionally brave given their small size. We had some come up to us once when we were on vacation. We stopped at a roadside park to eat and discovered that they love grape jelly!
Have a wonderful week-end!

Snap said...

wow ... great selections for the scavenger hunt. Loved the greedy shot of the woodpecker ... such great detail. We don't have chipmunks here so it is fun for me to see them on your blog. Little guys! Happy weekend.

Gayle said...

Very nice one and all. I wouldn't bring myself to do it but the one of the adventurous chipmunks is great.

VP said...

Hard to pick a favorite image here: brava!

Fundy Blue said...

Just beautiful, EGCG, from striking beginning to striking end! Greedy is wonderful ~ catching the woodpecker with a seed in its beak! Like you, I love the challenge of the scavenger hunt, and I especially love seeing all the different ways people respond to the prompts ~ like your curly; btw I have no clue what that thing on the wire is! Happy hunting in October!

RedPat said...

That looks like so much work, EG! Love all your answers!

Anni said...

A wonderful, eclectic post. And that woodpecker up close and personal....almost able to count the feathers. Amazing.

Lilly's Mom said...

I loved seeing all your photos. Such a magical place you live in. My favorite was the day photo with such a tranquil setting. Enjoy your weekend!

Bethany Carson said...

Love your choices for photos for each of the prompts! Very well done, and very nice photos!

Amy at love made my home said...

Wonderful pictures! I love repeating and triangle very best of all! xx

A Colorful World said...

Great responses to the Scavenger Hunt themes! And great photos...all!

Kay said...

These are fun. I love the shadows in "woven" and the woodpecker shot is great, greedy or not.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a fun challenge! Good for you!
Happy fall!

Gemma Wiseman said...

An amazing variety of lovely scenes. Love the network and design of shadow lines in the first photo.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Back again. I have fixed your SSS2 link so it reaches this post. The one you supplied was incomplete.

Pamela Gordon said...

What a great collection of photos. I like them all as they are perfect for each topic.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I thought you had me with the woodpecker, then you pulled the chipmunks on me. awwwwwwwwwww

Rose said...

Well, I found that the curly thing is a spiral diverter, but going to take some time to find out exactly what its job is.

Love the gingerbread of course, and thought you did a wonderful job fitting pictures to what you were hunting for.

Rose said...

t first glance, it seems the curly thing is to make the power line visible to birds so there are fewer accidents...not sure if that is all though.

Cloudia said...

Gosh this was a tour de force. Big time! Just so well constructed of quality materials, wishes & ideas. Thanks for the time your put into this.



Judi Gray said...

Aww! I clicked on this because of the beautiful Woodpecker photo - and stunning it is, but loved the Chipmunks even more! So cute - would love to see them in the wild one day. Thanks for sharing.

Judi Gray said...

Aww! I clicked on this because of the beautiful Woodpecker photo - and stunning it is, but loved the Chipmunks even more! So cute - would love to see them in the wild one day. Thanks for sharing.

abrianna said...

Beautiful shots. I like the intricate delicate shadow pattern on the wall and the day with all of that lovely color.

Lois said...

Nice pictures! My favorite one is of the chipmunks.

Stephanie said...

Wonderful series. Absolutely love the woven chair shadow!

colleen said...

That chair shadow shot is so beautiful, as if it's been woven twice. I enjoyed all the shots.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

An interesting new (to me) scavenger hunt. Love all your pics, especially the "Dreamy" photo.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Tina Well you out did yourself with how well you have illustratedall theords. Yes, as you know I have just joined in forthe first time and am really enjoying the challenge. I am already working on October shot but I am going to try something very different, wn't ell you what as it may never work! Anyway, I love your take in Triangle, woven and curly was clever even though I have not idea what it does! I would love to be in that canoe, paddliing along in the peaceful river or perhaps sialing on that yacht in your last shot? Have a gooreat month ahead scaveging.

Klara said...

what a fantastic series. and funny ;-). and thanks for introducing me to scavenger hunt.

Louise said...

A fantastic collection of photos!

Unknown said...

Really lovely pictures, I particularly like the shadow...

greenthumb said...

Welcome and thanks for taking part in this months scavenger hunt. I really like your photos I think they are all so good what a great collection, I can't pick a favourite ( I think that's a first). Greenthumb

Fiona said...

Woven is fabulous and I love the curly thing on the power line.

Debbie said...

Just love your woven picture with the lovely shadow. Great photos. x

Fil said...

what beautiful photos and great interpretations - each one is fabulous - you certainly earn the name Camera Girl :)

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful collection of images. I love the Redbellied Woodie and the chippers. I am sorry I am commenting so late, I've been away! Thanks so much for linking up! Have a happy day and weekend!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.