Friday, October 9, 2015


 Reflections in shallow pools of water

One of my most favourite places to visit this time of year is the area around Lake Muskoka.  a little less than two hours north of where I live. It's so different from where I live as it is on the Precambrian Shield with very old granite outcroppings. Plus in October the light is beautiful and the colours scrumptious!

Water lily pads and grass

To enjoy reflections from around the world, visit James at Weekend Reflections HERE


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

it certainly is worth making th 2 hour journey to see and get these beautiful shot

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Belas fotografias, gosto das cores.
Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

CountryMum said...

So very beautiful and peaceful.

Giga said...

It is nice to have a place where you like to go back. In fact, there is an interesting, and the pictures are beautiful. Regards.

Unknown said...

That looks like a beautiful spot, it seems very peaceful and your right the colours are superb...

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully golden colours and reflections!

Jeevan said...

Very beautiful capture and reflections of autumn!

VP said...

Gorgeous colors, wonderful place...

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh it is a beautiful area. Have a nice Thanksgiving weekend my friend. Hugs B

Christine said...

Fantastic colors and reflections! A beauty spot worth visiting!

Kate said...

You did such a great job of capturing the artistry of nature in this spot.

Revrunner said...

I can easily see why it's a favorite.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful shot, You are a few weeks ahead of us I think.

Anvilcloud said...

Overall, it hasn't been the most colourful autumn ever, but there are spots that are wonderful.

Darla said...

Beautiful colors. I too notice the light in October.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Pamela Gordon said...

I love the colours in that first picture. Very beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Lowell said...

That first photo in particular should be framed and hanged. Perfection!

Wishing you a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a place I would like.

Mary Hone said...

Oh Ya, those colors are awesome.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots! Muskoka is such a pleasure to see.

Kathy said...

Wonderful colors of fall.

Anonymous said...

Wow -- so gorgeous!

RedPat said...

Wonderful reflections, EG!

Sylvia K said...

Ah, what a lovely place, EG! Terrific reflections and wonderful captures as always!! And, thank you, as always, for sharing the beauty! I hope you have a great weekend!!

Halcyon said...

Beautiful nature shots! Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving weekend planned.

Marleen said...

I absolutely love the colours!

Anonymous said...

Autumn is with you, and you have utilized the opportunity well - beautiful images

Birdman said...

First one: THAT'S fall!

DeniseinVA said...

Two great photos and reflections.

Debbie said...

so pretty, soooooo autumn!!!!!

carol l mckenna said...

What a lovely place to visit ~ beautiful nature spot! Divine!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

TexWisGirl said...


Ruth Hiebert said...

Both of these photos are prize winners in my eyes.

Cloudia said...

Your description is wonderfully concise, as are your photos-



Spare Parts and Pics said...

Some very pretty fall colors. Looks like a very special place, and you capture it beautifully!

Jack said...

The location of the first photo is wonderful. I drove around this afternoon looking for a place like that but I couldn't find one.

Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous photos...I love the serenity of the second one especially

Stephanie said...

Absolutely gorgeous images!

Kay said...

If these photos are any measure it was worth every minute you spent driving to this place. It's truly gorgeous.

Unknown said...

It's beautiful!

Jenn Jilks said...

That's My Muskoka! I miss it so much. Thanks for posting about it!

Rose said...

Oh, I do love the lighting. Beautiful shots, EG.

orvokki said...

Beautiful shot, really.

James said...

Absolutely beautiful photos! I love this time of year. :-)

Molly said...

Lovely autumn colours


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.