You probably reasoned that if there’s an East Gwillimbury there’s likely a South, West, and North Gwillimbury too. Nope, there’s no South Gwillimbury that I know of. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.) But there IS a West Gwillimbury – and get this: it’s west of EG. ;-) And there used to be a North Gwillimbury, but it became part of the Town of Georgina in 1971. Yes, it’s north of here.
This old schoolhouse built in 1881 is proof of North Gwillimbury’s past existence. The building is now used as a daycare centre.
Isn’t the bell tower still in great shape?

Notice the two front doors: one for girls and one for boys. I guess cooties have existed at least as far back as 1881!
Beautiful building. do you suppose it was built brick? I do love the bellfry---do you suppose there are bats? MB
I'm guessing here, but I live in a brick farmhouse built around 1890.
The schoolhouse was probably framed with 2 x 4s and planks, and then faced with brick. Also, the insulation may be sawdust and mud. ;-)
Thanks for the laugh about cooties! That looks like a very serious and solemn schoolhouse. A place of "no nonesense" behaviour. I imagine when that bell rang everyone came running. And I can just picture the school marm standing watch as they all filed in through the proper doors.
What a quaint building.. the bell tower is a beaty. Whats is/are 'Cooties'...?
Cooties is a slang term used by US and Canadian kids for an imaginary affliction. When they realize boys are different from girls and vice versa, kids claim children from the opposite sex will give them cooties if they touch them. ;-)
lovelyy little building, great shot.
Funny is I went to a school in downtown Toronto that had separate entrances. And I'm sure it was because of cooties;)
I can't stop laughing at your cootie comment!!!
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