Monday, February 9, 2015

Anglican Church

 Spire,  All Saints Anglican Church, Whitby

This Gothic Revival style church built in 1865 is pretty old by Canadian standards. 

 Side doors

Sadly, this heritage church has twice been badly damaged by fire, once in 1927  and the second time in 2009.  Parishioners as well as other local citizens rallied to raise funds to restore this beautiful building.

I love the hinges on the doors!

 Stained glass windows

Yes, the Church windows I posted last Friday are part of this church, but towards the rear of the building. As you can see, these windows have reflections in them too.

Plaque at front of church
In celebration of the old and wonderful "stuff", I  am connecting to Rubbish Tuesday HERE.

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


BasiaW said...

Kocham budowle sakralne. One mają w sobie niepowtarzalny klimat. Słyszę w nich szepty modlitw i zapisane ludzkie pragnienia. Gdziekolwiek jestem, zwiedzam kościoły. Serdecznie gratuluję Ci pięknych zdjęć, które u Ciebie nieustannie podziwiam:-)

Mersad said...

The side doors are really intricate and awesome.

Mersad Donko Photography

Sandi said...

They used to build such elaborate churches!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Beautiful pictures. They make you pay attention to detail.

Have a lovely week.

Darla said...

What an outstanding spire. Glad people saved the building


Gill - That British Woman said...

what a beautiful classic church.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our old is about the same as your old.. love those doors, amazing..

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Thank you EG, wonderful detail shots of this beautiful old church, yes that's old by Australian standards also :)

eileeninmd said...

EG, very pretty images of this church! I love the window, spire and the doors..Lovely details. Have a happy week!

William Kendall said...

It is quite a beauty!

Donna said...

What a beautiful church that I am glad has been saved many times.

Unknown said...

I love the stained glass windows, they are a bit different to what I'm used to. More modern :)
Have a fine day

Judy said...

When I was looking at the photo of the side door, I was thinking how much I love those hinges! I hope they can get the building restored, and then stop trying to set fire to it!

George said...

I'm glad this beautiful old church has been restored. Your photos are marvelous.

Sharon said...

Those doors in the second shot are gorgeous!

Penelope Notes said...

The church and side door have a lovely medieval feel most commonly seen in Europe. It is a great entranceway to discover fascinating tidbits from the past inside this building.

TexWisGirl said...

i, too, like the doors.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Gothic images, all of them are superb.

Small City Scenes said...

What an old beauty. So glad the parishioners save the old girl. Love the old brick and the doors are beautiful. Cool reflection. MB

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Olá, é uma linda igreja, está bem recuperada e fotografada.

VP said...

Love the brickwork, and obviously those amazing hinges!

Sylvia K said...

Such a beautiful old church and your captures are superb as always!! Those doors are awesome!! Hope you have a great new week!!

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

I like those doors.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A beautiful church. I thought it was the same church as your other post! Glad you are showing us more. The windows and door are lovely! So glad they kept at it and repaired the damage.

Nonnie said...

what a magnificent edifice! I love the arches and the hinges- exquisite.

Birdman said...

There's a feel of our Cathedral here.

Malyss said...

I like gothic style (in architecture) , and this Church is really beautiful!

Mascha said...

Such hinges you can even find in Germany, I like them too.
Have a nice week

Tom said...

What a steeple and door, love them both. Tom The Backroad Traveller

Tom said...

What a steeple and door, love them both. Tom The Backroad Traveller

A Colorful World said...

What a truly lovely church! Great photos. Really love that door!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

She's an old beauty! I love the doors, and the windows- so pretty.

Giga said...

I really like the red-brick churches. This is wonderful. Regards.

Rose said...

Oh, my, goodness....this is absolutely wonderful. LOVE the doors! Did you by any chance take a close-up shot of the hinges? They are amazing.

Revrunner said...

No easy task to preserve a building like this.

Hilary said...

It's a beautiful building and I especially love those doors. Nicely photographed.

Have you ever brought yourself into St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church in Oshawa (just off the 401)? It's also a real treat for the eyes and camera lens.

Mari said...

The tower or is it the bellfry is so high that it look majestic trying to reach the sky. Glad to know that people cared much to restore this beauty.

RedPat said...

I'm so glad it has been restored - it's a beauty, EG!

mick said...

So many beautiful details on that church. It's great that it is being carefully looked after and restored when necessary.

Fun60 said...

It is a beautiful church and good that it has been saved.

Anonymous said...

Colorful church ... I like !

Ruth Hiebert said...

This is a beautiful building.Too bad that it has suffered damage over the years.I do hope it was an accident.

Shammickite said...

Love the doors, those hinges are very special! You seem to be in Whitby quite a lot. I really don't know that area very well. maybe I should go on an adventure there one day.... not very far away from me!

Adam Jones said...

I love the spire.

cieldequimper said...

Lovely church, beautiful door!

Cloudia said...

Makes one feel solid and righteous just to see that spire

ALOHA from Honolulu

Gail Dixon said...

I miss our Anglican church in Dallas. Baton Rouge does not have one that even remotely resembles the Gothic architecture of this one and the one we were members of before.

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous church and wonderful shots especially the steeple ~ great angle!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Pamela Gordon said...

This is a beautiful old church. I also like the fancy hinges on the doors. It's wonderful that the parish can keep the church 'up' which is not the case in many cities these days.

Cranberry Morning said...

What a beautiful old church and spire! It's wonderful that it was restored instead of demolished.

Cranberry Morning said...

What a beautiful old church and spire! It's wonderful that it was restored instead of demolished.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Old by Canadian standards, but that would be a young building my way. Gorgeous tone s in the gothic door

Jenn Jilks said...

They are glorious doors. The whole building!!!!

lorik said...

It would be old by our standards, here in Australia too. Beautiful architecture and great images.

Carver said...

That's a beautiful church. Too bad that it has had fires to deal with.

Photo Cache said...

I love the door. I see a design trend on doors with the Anglican churches.

Worth a Thousand Words

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i am curious why you call it rubbish? i would say it would be perfect for my link up on Saturdays/Sundays "InSPIRED Sunday? but to each his own i guess. have a great week. ( :

Lois said...

It is a magnificent place! I love that blue on the spire.

Vagabonde said...

Beautiful building. I especially like the doors.

Arija said...

No matter how many times rebuilt, the artisanship in the stonework, hinges and windows still shines and the copper roofs spire fits so well with the re brick. Lovely.

Michelle said...

Beautiful architecture. We just don't see this kind of craftsmanship in our more modern times.

LV said...

So wonderful someone restored it. Would been a terrible shame to see such a grand structure go to waste. The cross on top of it looks as tho it almost touches the heavens.

Jack said...

I have frequently seen doors and hinges like that, and I love them every time.

Anvilcloud said...

I used to have relatives in Whitby, but they have gone to the great beyond now.

Linda W. said...

Nice photos, especially your first one.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love the old church and the fact that enough people care to preserve it.

GreenComotion said...

Hi Tina,
The side doors are very beautiful.
Never seen one like that in person.
So, thanks for sharing it with all of us.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Indrani said...

Beautiful church, I liked the structure and the colors.

Randy said...

Stunning church.

Bethany Carson said...

Looks like a beautiful church with a rich history! I love those doors!!

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures as always, love the hinges shot..

Anonymous said...

Lovely door and brickwork.

Sarah said...

there's so much to look at and something new every time - great photos!

Me Mumbaikar said...

Truly magnificient!

Amy at love made my home said...

A beautiful building! xx

John's Island said...

Churches ... one of my favorite subjects. Almost always "photogenic". Nice work!

21 Wits said...

These kinds of lovely built buildings, especially churches with towers and spirals and such, are truly a treasure to behold.

Lowell said...

Considering the beauty of the outside, I would guess the interior is also quite magnificent!

Kathy said...

Yes, that is a very old building for the Americas. It's beautiful in every respect, steeple, windows, brickwork, and even hinges - the largest and most ornate I've ever seen.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Such a gorgeous church. I was surprised when you said the black swirly things on the door were hinges. Very cool.
Take 25 to Hollister

Stephanie said...

Beautiful intricate designs on this gorgeous church.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.