Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Goldeneye Duck

Female Common Goldeneye

Hardy souls, Common Goldeneyes often fly only as far south as they need to in winter to find open water.  There are many harbours on the north side of lake Ontario just perfect for their winter holidays.

Two females hanging out together

I liked this photo because you can see both the front and back of the duck at the same time.

Outta there in a flash!

I didn't do anything! Well, Okay. I did point my camera at her. But that was all!

I am connecting to Stewart M's Wild Bird Wednesday HERE


Phil Slade said...

The Goldeneye is one of my favourite ducks probably because they are so very wild and difficult to get close to. Here in the UK they are winter visitors from the North and East.

Revrunner said...

Sistas. :-)

Gill - That British Woman said...

I don't know those eyes are a bit creepy if you ask me.........

John's Island said...

Neat captures.

Aimeecakes said...

Oooh I find those yellow eyes a bit creepy...

aspiritofsimplicity said...

great capture and brilliant bird

Darla said...

Really is a golden eye on that bird.
Like the action shot.


eileeninmd said...

I like the eyes. It is a pretty duck, great shots.

Jeanne said...

Such an amazing shot of that eye and love your last action shot!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the expression on the duck on the left in the two females shot and love the flash of leaving town in the last one

Lowell said...

Those eyes remind me, for some reason, of a James Bond movie. Hmmm...must be very hardy birds to stay in such cold waters!

See tomorrow's post on Ocala for more on the beer truck.

TexWisGirl said...

very well named!

Anonymous said...

Neat captures. The color's we do not have them in my area.

Mary Hone said...

Hmmmm, there is supposed to be some of those here, at our new spot.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice work in getting front and back together in the same shot EG.. Oooo that golden eye :)

Sylvia K said...

Terrific captures and I, too, love the front and back shot!! Their golden eyes are just a tad spooky, but they are handsome fellows!

William Kendall said...

They certainly are pretty.

VP said...

A fine set of 'portrait', my favorite is the last, the one 'in action'!

21 Wits said...

Look at those lovely eyes! They're thinking life is so good!

Babzy.B said...

beautiful ducks ! :)

Anonymous said...

These are great photos. I think I would keep on flying further south if I were a Goldeneye.

Halcyon said...

Those eyes really are golden - aptly named! Love the action shot. :)

Rohrerbot said...

Extremely attractive birds. I would love to observe these birds more often. It's not everyday I get to see them up close:) Beautiful shots!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

We had Goldeneye on our lake when it was still open, even though it was very cold. I have also seen them on the Fox River by the dam where the Eagles hang out in the winter because there is open water. The Mallards are there too, another hardy little duck. These are wonderful shots of the female ... seeing all angles. Thank you ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Carletta said...

I'll have to say they are aptly named. :)
Nice 'outta there' shot.

Carletta said...

I'll have to say they are aptly named. :)
Nice 'outta there' shot.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Lovely pictures! I have never seen one and I am loving the gold eyes. They were the first thing I noticed.

Karen said...

Oh you got some great shots!

RedPat said...

i've never seen one! Should go down to the lakeshore and look around a bit I guess!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes this is a lovely duck and the male is even nicer.

cieldequimper said...

A bit camera shy... Pretty faces (and love the colour of the water!)

Linda W. said...

You can really see his golden eye in the first photo!

FAB said...

Lovely shots of one my favorite winter visitors to the UK.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great shots. I like the last one especially.

Stephanie said...

Fab shots!

CountryMum said...

Well captured! Lovely photos.

Rose said...

This sure reminds me of a duck we seen...well a couple or three. They were so far away it was hard to tell much about them though, even with Roger's spotting scope.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi EG, Beautiful ducks and you sure captured some great shots.
Lovely markings.
Thank you for sharing.

The Cranky said...

What an unusual and beautiful duck... I'd say the golden eye makes them look a bit startled.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Sometimes I wish we lived near the water...so gorgeous!...:)JP

Lois said...

I guess since they don't go too far south, I won't get to see one around here. A very pretty duck!

colleen said...

Very piercing. I wonder if it lays golden eggs?

Natasha said...

Beautiful photos - I love the colour of their eyes! - Tasha

Cloudia said...

You are prepared for the great capture! Lucky for us, your fans

ALOHA from Honolulu

Pat Tillett said...

Great photos! I don't think we have any them around my parts. I'll have to check that out.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Georgeouos photos - so clear and well defined.

Randy said...

Such bright eyes.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

amazing ducks don't feel the cold. My best memories of Canadian ducks, my room mate's dad took me to see them at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

The 'James Bond' of ducks... very striking!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

What a pretty duck!

NatureFootstep said...

so, that´s where they are?
They will soon come back to Sweden I think. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great photos of the golden eyes. I love the last photo!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots.

Sue (this n that) said...

Great shots and, oh my goodness, an incredible last photo... just brilliant!

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

I'm looking at your birds... I'm looking at my birds just posted... I'm looking at the date... you know, it is quite possible we were standing right next to each other!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.