Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mailbox and Fence

 Country mailbox

Whoever ploughs this road is a conscientious driver! Many mailboxes are ploughed down during the winter months, but you can see here that the plough driver actually drove around this one.

Hmm, I took this photo last year. I should check to see if the same mailbox is still there.  I say this because I noticed a few days ago on another road that two speed limit signs have recently been ploughed down. (In protest???)

Country fence behind the mailbox

I saw a list of fill-ins on Rose's blog and have decided to fill in the blanks of the first 5 here:

1. If I were a month I’d be May when the world looks so new and green and full of promise.

2. If I were a day I’d be Tuesday because “Tuesday’s child is full of grace” ... and I’m not!

3. If I were a time of day I’d be when dawn breaks, the most beautiful time of most days.

4.  If I were a font I’d be Verdana as it’s clean, straight forward and easy to read. On days I’m feeling fancy I’d be Papyrus (which is what I use to write “Tina’s Lens” on my favourite photos.)

5. If I were a planet I’d be Earth. We live on a gorgeous planet and I love photographing what I see here.

I am linking to Good Fences HERE.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love all your answers and I too use Verdane for the same reason and I wish some bloggers would take the hint as some of the types are font are not easy to make out on a mini IPad. I use a different one for my Sunday post, can't remember what it is but I make it large enough for all to see the script. Love the 2 shots today and it would be interesting to see if the mail box is still standing.

Stewart M said...

I really do miss a few days each year like this! Although weeks on end may push the friendship a bit!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Mersad said...

Don't get me started on the font subject :) Great images!!

Mersad Donko Photography

Hootin Anni said...

Lovin' the fencing today.

eileeninmd said...

Great fence shots! I can not count how times our mailbox has been plowed over. I love your answers to the fill in game. Have a happy day!

Breathtaking said...

The snow on the fence makes a pretty picture. I like your mail box too, and hope it stays in place!:)

Buttons Thoughts said...

I cannot see my mailbox either:) I would be earth too:) Hug B

Gill - That British Woman said...

oh yes those delightful snow plows on country roads.........I do not miss them and having my mail box at the end of the driveway!!!

As always lovely photos and interesting answers to the questions.....

Malyss said...

I collect mailboxes pictures on my other blog ! I hope this one is still there .

orchid0324 said...

Dearest EG; Beautiful fence pictures with snow☃ Feel sorry for the mail box; most of ours in Japan are on the wall. But mail men have to get inside the property :-)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

Darla said...

I would not like to trudge out to that mailbox. Enjoyed reading your 5 things.


The Cranky said...

Y'know, I never tire of the way you elevate the 'ordinary' to the extraordinary... and you worked your magic again today!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That was interesting Tina, the expression 'the mail must always get through' can't apply in this weather with so many mailboxes going down?

cedarmerefarm said...

Beautiful photos, as usual. It was fun to read your answers to Rose's 5 questions. I would answer the same way for questions 1, 3 & 5; have to think about 2 & 4.

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures of snowy fences!
And I like your answers, too :))
Have a fine day

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful fence, let us know if that mail box is still standing. i am with you on number 3, dawn is my most favorite time of the day and the time when i feel the best. i also love our earth

Anvilcloud said...

The top photo in particular has a retro or nostalgic feel to it: not just the subject but something about the look.

Judy said...

I'm loving your fence photos, even tho I'm so wishing for spring to hurry up and get here, I still love winter scenes. I enjoyed reading your answers.

Ileana said...

I like your answers and your photos. Looks very cold there. I am waiting for spring! Have a nice day!

William Kendall said...

That is a whole lot of snow!

Donna said...

Beautiful fence...we had a split rail around our property at the old house and we loved it.

Your answers are priceless...I think I would be May too, as I love the garden in May because it begins to grow in earnest.

Rose said...

Beautiful shots, EG.

I think maybe I should have chosen Tuesday, since reading your post. Full of grace is something I am not. April would be the month that would compete with October/fall for me. It is starting to get hot here in May and the new green is starting to be everyday green.

Linda W. said...

Nice captures of the snow-covered fence.

TexWisGirl said...

love the snow scenes! yeah, i'm wondering if the mailbox made it to another season. :) nice answers - laughed at #2. :)

Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading your "if" reflections.
Our mailbox is on the road. I've often wondered how it stays standing and then I think perhaps it's because it stands among others.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful fence in the snow shots!

Carola Bartz said...

It's a beautiful country scene, and I hope the mailbox is still standing. I love your answers - I would be dawn as well. Mornings are my favorite time of the day. As a month I would be October - it's the most beautiful month where I live and just love earthy colors. And do I love our planet!!! If we only took better care of it.

Penelope Postcards said...

It is funny how something can be in front of your face for years and go unnoticed. The font you mention is fantastic and on my list but I have not clicked on it as far as I remember until you mentioned it.

I think it is amazing there are not a lot more mishaps when the snow is so high and the people who use the plows can only guess at what is covered.

Janey and Co. said...


This is just a lovely fence!

Debbie said...

oh that is a beautiful fence, even better blanketed with snow!!

i would be daybreak also, the part of the day i often miss but it is my favorite as well!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how or even if the mail was delivered what with all those blizzards back east.

Sylvia K said...

A delightful post for the day!! Interesting fence and I do love your answers to the fill in the blanks!! Hope your week is going well! Stay warm!!

Phil Slade said...

Well here in the UK we don't normally have the problem of snow ploughs flattening road signs and the like. The snow here rarely gets to those heights.
Must admit I'd never thought of such a problem.

Phil Slade said...

Well here in the UK we don't normally have the problem of snow ploughs flattening road signs and the like. The snow here rarely gets to those heights.
Must admit I'd never thought of such a problem.

Shammickite said...

My son replaces his mailbox post almost every spring!

Nancy said...

Love the split rail fence -- we put reflectors on our mailbox to prevent drive-bys. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice fences. Where I live if the snow is to deep for mailman. He will pass by. When he has to go into people places off the road.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Besides your fence pix, I like that you chose to be Earth!...:)JP

VP said...

Love the fences and the snow!

RedPat said...

Good post, EG!

Mascha said...

Nice photos! Here in Germany I#ve never seen ssuch mailboxes near by the streeet, but I can inagine that problem...

Okay, maybe I should think about the fond on my blog?

cieldequimper said...

I would definitely be earth. Let's leave the rest of the universe alone, we're doing enough damage here as it is! I would never have noticed that the plough had gone around the mailbox if you hadn't pointed it out!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beautiful and timeless photos. I agree with many of your answers on the list!

Birdman said...

July, because it's my month,
Thursday cause I'm looking towards Heidi Klum,
Dead of night... I'm alone,
Cursive is me
One that's undiscovered,
lurking over my shoulder.

kayerj said...

I liked your sentences at the end of your post, especially the last. Earth is a pretty spectacular place to live.

Stephanie said...

Great answers and wonderful image.

Pamela Gordon said...

I love the fences in the snow and the mailbox. Mailboxes do take a beating in the winter months. I enjoyed the answers to your 5 questions.

Unknown said...

Mail deliveries aside, I love the second picture with just the fence and the snow. Neat answers as well...

Sue (this n that) said...

Yay for that careful driver... doesn't take much to put that little bit extra into a job. How considerate :D)
Love your list too, well said.
Beautiful pics of that snow capped fence :D)

Jane Hards Photography said...

I'm quite envious of this scene, I'd like snow, just one day. It's so picturesque I agree dawn breaking is a magical time, especially with a camera

Cloudia said...

Snow can hide much...Nice plowman to avoid the post box

ALOHA from Honolulu

Lois said...

The fence and mailbox look so pretty in the snow.

Montanagirl said...

Gorgeous snowy fence!!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Pretty scenes, E.G.!

21 Wits said...

Wonderful wintry photos, even if I'm ready for spring! We have the same problem around here, thank goodness our mailbox (so far as yet) hasn't been hit in years. But it happens all the time. It helps when we go out and shovel around our own boxes but even then the big plow trucks are moving so fast! Lookout!

Kay said...

Beautiful images and great answers!
It doesn't take snow to get mailboxes plowed down! Ours was taken out by a lawn mower - not a hint of snow or ice.

Randy said...

I love that first shot.

Kathy said...

Fences and snow make a great combo!

GreenComotion said...

Nice fence shot, Tina.
The closest to snow plow around our home are the recycle truck and the trash truck; which sometimes topples the Recycle Bin and vice versa.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Anonymous said...

Nice and snowy!

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures,
The fence is beautiful, and the mailbox.
Have a happy day.

s.c said...

Nice winter observation. Unheard of here in the netherlands.

Jeevan said...

Glad there are conscious worker to work with concern! Nice filling up

Small City Scenes said...

Great captures on the snowy fences.
I like your fill-ins. Very nice.

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful photos! I saw the list on Rose's blog too and hadn't thought to break it up into fives...that may be my next Willy Nilly posts! :-)

Ramona said...

I soooooo love this photo.

Jack said...

That mailbox would not last long in most New England towns. If the snowplows didn't get it, then carloads of drunken teenagers would.

I like Verdana for many purposes, but Georgia is my go to font (I like serifs and Georgia is a non-stuffy font with serifs).

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.