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The collage above is a collection of photos taken at a friend's tiny pond on a drizzly day. This has been a wet summer here in Ontario and
everything is green and lush...especially the weeds. And the mosquitoes are
!@#$%^& %^& &*() )(*& Phew! That feels better. ;-)
Starting from the bottom right-hand corner and moving clockwise: reflection on the pond, mushrooms (bet you thought I was gonna tell you what kind, eh? Bwahahaha! Wish I could!), yellow loosestrife, meadowsweet, nightshade, and swamp milkweed.

Thank you, Mary, The Teach, for giving me this award for the answer to the question "How can you tell the good guys from the bad guys?" (Or something like that.)
Truth be told, my answer made it sound way more simple than it actually is. But for me, my points are the first clues that something is amiss. I still -- after all these years -- make mistakes. Don't you hate it when someone you trusted turns out to be a bad guy?
But I'm still honoured that The Teach liked my answer. To visit The Teach, click