For the past few sunny days, the echinaceas (particularly the purple coneflowers) in my yard have been butterfly magnets. The butterflies have been flying in looking for yummy nectar and don't appear to be disappointed that the butterfly bushes in my gardens aren't quite in flower yet. Apparently the coneflowers are OK too.

You should have seen the dance this fritillary did when it discovered this particular coneflower. It danced in circles over the cone for at least ten minutes, giving me lots of chances to shoot its colourful wings.
Great shot. Such magical markings.
It is so wonderful to get such close-ups. Keep up the good work. MB
Beautiful crisp shots. The cone flowers are not the magnet your's apparently are. We got lots of butterfly bushes that are in full bloom and smell like heaven but there are not that many butterflies around this summer.
We also live on Interstate 70, that east to west interstate and we can get on it and go to big stores not more than 5 or 10 minutes away. But unless my wife needs paper products, mostly, we shop here at home. They have the best meats and the prices are not that far out of line with the other stores.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo.
Beautiful colors, stunning details. I love visiting here every morning.
You're getting pretty good at taking those butterfly pics.... I think the butterflies know that they're going to be world famous when you post the picture on your blog!
Great capture of this lovely creature!
That is simply wonderful. Well done!
Marvellous macro!
Splendid colours, very good subject, beautiful photographs, amazing post!
Wow and wow again!
They are so beautiful!
You must have lots and lots of butterflies that we don't have over here. OR - more likely - I just can't find them or take photos of them. Gorgeous!
These are marvelous shots of a beautiful butterfly! :)
beautiful shots, in amazing light!
Amazing photos with those crisp details!!
You captured a beauty here!
great detail you achieve here
beautiful photos all around
Wow, good shots of the fritillary. They are common here in Pennsylvania too and are one of my favorite butterflies.
I think I need to try planting some of these. I tried, once, but they didn't make it. I think it's time for another try! EXCELLENT pictures!
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