It looked like it was going to rain any minute but these outdoorsy kids were apparently unconcerned. This was their hour to play in the dirt with trowels, plant a few annuals, sprinkle the soil using watering cans and enjoy the fresh air. And YAY! The gardens looked better once the kids were finished! And although the skies threatened, it didn't rain till the next day - Wednesday.

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Wonderful post....love that the kids are involved and loving it.
Lovely photos. Children make things look better and if they can plant and water and talk about it that is really a nice day for them and the garden.
Welcome on board.
Thats a lovely photo collage & post.
Am off to add you to my list of participants
Best wishes
Oh yes, definitely. I love this post.
Are you doing a project with school kids? Alice Waters started a kitchen garden at one of the schools here.
Fantastic post. I love to see children involved in a project. I had to smile. Lovely flowers, too. Thanks for your comments. BJ
So wonderful for children to learn to love these things when they are young. And what's rain? Just something to play in! The mud would have been fantastic!
I remember watching my daughter spending hours digging in the dirt. She didn't do much planting. She just enjoyed transferring the dirt with her little toy shovel. Your pictures brought that memory to mind. Great images!
Looks like everyone was having a fun time.
To get to the top of the mountain via the skyride took 10 minutes - just long enough to enjoy the view but not long enough to start to feel panicked. lol
LOVE hollyhocks. Among my very favorites. I used to grow them in New York. Not sure they would like it here in Florida.
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
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