So far, no frost in my gardens! YAY! Gaillardia is a perennial so won't be killed, but the plant will die down to the ground.
Ha! So far so good! The first fall frost date for here usually occurs between September 16 (for Barrie, an hour north of here) and October 6 (for Toronto, an hour south of here). From today on, I'll count each frost-free day as a lucky extra day of blooms. ;-)

What a beautiful shot and your photographs throughout your blog are admirable. Great work thank you for sharing.
I'll be sad when the flowers are gone for the winter. This one is beautiful.
Nice details
I wish I could remember where I heard the name Gaillardia...I can't remember if you or someone else has posted a picture before or not. But I know I have heard it mentioned in books or something and now I know what it is. It is beautiful.
It always amazes me the things I could look up on he net and never think about, and then someone shows it to me and I wonder why I hadn't thought to look it up on my own.
Beautiful Gaillardia! Unless something unusual occurs, we won't have frost here for several weeks.
Beautiful do you get your photos to show up so big on your site..
This is beautifully photographed. I really like this fower, it is so dependable for color.
I finally remembered where I heard the name gaillardia...from a quilt by Ruth McDowell.
Beautiful shot. It almost looks crystalized with sugar. Well will have a frost in October for sure. Last week it got down to 35F but now is warm. When we had grapes we had to wait for the frost before we could pick them. It was said that the frost set the sugar in them. MB
An excellent image !! I wish you as many non-frost days as possible !
Another great visual moment.
Sorry for not being visiting as often as I wished.
For the moment by I'll have to pay a weekly visit.
Great photo, you are so talented with your camera. Hope you have many more frost free days. We're still in the 70's here and maybe the low 50's at night.
So beautiful! You must have an amazing garden!!! Wishing you a few more frost-free days... :)
That is a very beautiful flower! I love the colors.
You have such a beautiful garden. I consider myself lucky that you are still frost free!
No frost here either, I'm a bit south of you. Nice to have such mild weather, I hope it lasts.
My gaillardia has been amazing this year... literally HUNDREDS of blooms. I keep trimming the seed heads off and more flowers come.
You only need one single flower to convince everybody that you are a great photographer! Splendid!
Have a nice week!.
That's a gorgeous flower. Beautiful picture of it.
We've hsd no frost here either, but a couple time it's been close. Every day, one day closer till Spring! LOL
Yours today Flower as beautiful colors...
Such color - I loved orange and lemon - describes it so well.
You caught this so well - excellent!
Beautiful flower and colors.
That's another flower I would love to have in my garden! Love this photo. Hope you don't get frost too soon. Not much sign of it here in New Jersey; I'm hot, frankly!
We haven't had one yet either. I want one so the grapes will turn sweet but I will miss the flowers. This image I could look at for a long time. It is so lovely.
Gorgeous sunlit Gaillardia! We've been lucky too with no frost yet which is very unusual. But, it's so nice to still see flowers blooming everywhere. Your photos are always beautiful!
Beautiful photo.
Marvelous flowers and fantastic colors!
Well done also!
Thanks for posting in TODAY'S FLOWERS!
Luiz & Denise - Today\'s Flowers Team.
Hi, this blanket flower is very beautiful and interesting, great job. I thank you for sharing with us so much beauty.
Denise & Santilli - The team of Today's Flowers
Beautiful shot! Nothing frost bitten here in Southern California. We're still looking at weather in the 90's.
Wonderful picture..
Thank you for your visit and comment.
What a beautiful flower! They will soon be all gone here and I don't have that many pictures saved for Luiz's meme.
Just beautiful and a new colour of gaillardia to me:)
What a gorgeous shot of this interesting flower. I love the coloring. I'm late in getting around this week...Thanks for your visit to mine :0)
Great shot. Congratulations.
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