Thursday, September 11, 2008

Looking Westerly, Looking Easterly/Sky Watch

I was concentrating on the sunset so hard, that I was surprised when I...
...turned around to see that the sky was lit up in the east as well. How's that for a pleasant surprise?

To join in the Sky Watch fun celebrating skies all around the globe, visit the Sky Watch blog at


Louise said...

Both views are breathtaking. More EG WOW!'s!

Tanya Breese said...

A two for one...lucky you!

Brad Myers said...

Great sky watch the colors are awesome.

Shammickite said...

That sort of sunset happened here a while ago... to the west, nothing; to the east, the reflection on the clouds was stunning! Great colours in your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Two great skies.

Reader Wil said...

Yea, that's great! Magnificent!

Anonymous said...

great views and well captured. I also love your pictures of the sunflowers

Dewdrop said...

I love it when the sunset swallows you up and surrounds you! That is incredible... I love the cumulonimbus that was behind you. Wow. I bet it had some cloud to cloud lightning.

Guy D said...

Great pic!!!

Maria said...

Beautiful views! Happy SWF!

Texas Travelers said...

Not a sight you see too often.

Thanks for sharing this nice east/west effect.

Thanks for the visit,

Anonymous said...

Both are just stunning shots!~ the color on the first one is stunning:)I posted mine too, HERE! Happy SWF!~

Anonymous said...

The colors in your first shot are stunning - how exquisite~!

Pearl Maple said...

Beautiful colourful skys for sky watch friday. Thank you for sharing your peaceful views of the horizon.

Reader Wil said...

Hi I left you an award! Could you come to my blog to get it?

kjpweb said...

Have to steal from your Blog's title: WOW!
Well done!
Cheers, Klaus

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: Sometimes we think that a setting sun means the end but it is still on the clouds over the horizon, you captured them beautifully.

Photo Cache said...

yes lucky you for having these views no matter where you look.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset, the colors are amazing.

Maria Verivaki said...

buy one, get one free!

Rose said...

These are abolutely splend-glori-gorgeous! How's that for a word?? They are fabulous...and that is shortchanging them...that is why I tried to come up with a new word.

Tom said...

Two beautiful pictures but the first one dose it for me.

Leora said...

East, west, such beauty. Lovely captures.

vincibene said...

Gorgeous photos!

Willard said...

One needs more surprises like that!
Excellent job as always!

I liked your previous post about sunflowers as well. I used to grow them until I was somewhere in my late 20s and then quit until this year, when I decided to plant a few rows--mostly just so I could enjoy seeing them once again on a daily basis.

Carver said...

Those are both so beautiful and dreamy. I'm glad you turned around and caught the surprise view.

Marie said...

Breathtaking photos!

Anonymous said...

Those are the kind of surprises I like. These skies are just amazing...

Arija said...

Glorious skies in both direction. The first one is almost unbelievable as a photo, it is so painterly. Really great sunst.

Mary said...

OMG, they are both gorgeous!

Becky said...

The sky always will have a surprise for you. Cool post
Happy SWF.

Fish Whisperer said...

A very lovely pair of shot you have there. Great post for SWF. Have a great weekend.

bobbie said...

Absolutely beautiful photographs.

Namnet said...

The colours are simply sublime and the sky is magnificent. Wonderful photographs.

Jim said...

Hi Ms. E.G. Guide. That was a nice surprise. I'm glad you found it.
Happy Skywatching, we are just biding our time till the storm.

Craver Vii said...

Pleasant surprise, but no wonder you were distracted! That is a fantastic sky! Great captures!!

Anonymous said...

amazing photographs. I love them all.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That top shot is incredible. It has everything. I venture to say this is one of the week's best.

Quiet Paths said...

Stunning. I know how difficult evening light can be and how challenging colors like that are to capture. Nice job, on both sides.

Anonymous said...

Two views for free :-) Amazing how the sun is caught in so many white clouds (first photo). Very beautiful skies !!

Cathy said...

What are ya talking about, these are great.. I can feel the power. Nice

Paul said...

two great shots!

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are definitely Wow shots. Amazing colours.

Mary said...

Those are "WOW" shots!!

DeniseinVA said...

Incredible sky photos. Isn't it an awesome feeling to discover how beautiful the eastern part of the sky can be?

Country Girl said...

Thank you for sharing your pleasant surprise!

Anonymous said...

lovely colors! Hmmmm...great catch!

Jeanne said...

We're sometimes lucky enough to get that effect here. What a score! Two beautiful views from one sunset. Great captures.

Tash said...

How do you capture such amazing colors - it's like a painting and not reality. Superb.
PS I really liked the little red car up high shot too.

dot said...

What unusual looking skies. I love both of these.

PJ said...

That is just fabulous! I would love to get shots like that.

To see my SWF posts
Fly here
Fly here

Jules said...

That's one great thing about the sky - it is always full of surprises!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stunning views of the sky!! The colours blend so well together :)

Anonymous said...

That was very lucky! Both shot are stunning. Such gorgeous colors.

Anonymous said...

Nice surprise indeed. It never hurts to look around, and be rewarded with a great photo.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

beautiful ... I am glad you turned around too :)

angela said...

Two for the price of one and they're both magnificent.

Anonymous said...

Good job! When I'm outside taking sunset photos, I always have to remind myself to turn around and look at what the sunset light is shining on in the East.

Catherine said...

You're right, in wahtever direction you look your sky is wonderful.
Whatever Sky Watch blog I visit skies view are great.

Anonymous said...

spectacular work here. well done

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Very pretty! I love to take a glance in the other direction, ya know, just to see!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my suns sets!

Eki said...

breathtaking panorama! perfect shot for skywatch friday.

thanks for dropping by my SWF post and for your comment today.

Gerald (SK14) said...

interesting double-take

Inkivääri said...

Amazing colours - fantastic SWF pics!

tr3nta said...

the first shot is really beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Two great skies to be seen!
Great views.

Gill - That British Woman said...

those are really neat, lovely colours

Gill in Southern Ontario

Roan said...

A sky filled with beauty. Great shots, both. BJ

Louis la Vache said...

Pleasant surprise, indeed! And we are very happy you shared it with us!

Re your question Chez Louis, yes, that is a view from "Louis's" balcony...

Michele said...

OH MY!!! You aren't kidding... both views are stunning!! WOW... if we could only freeze the world for a little while and soak it in for a bit and then let it go... beautiful photos!
~Michele J~
Mountain Retreat

maryt/theteach said...

Ah yes, turn around and there's a surprise, EG! Love your photos. You did look east! :)

Yrsa said...

That´s a really colourfully painted sky :)

Anonymous said...

Two for the price of one sunset - can't be bad.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I missed this one before on my rounds. This is really nice.

My blog post for Sky Watch is on my Canon Pixels and if you have any spare time I would appreciate it if you could take a look at the sun peeking through the oak tree leaves.


Darla said...

You were literally surrounded by beauty.


Daryl said...

Spectacular ..


Luiz Santilli Jr said...

All shots are fantastic!
Marvelous post!


HFD60 said...

beautiful SWF images....

Neva said...

very nice. I love the colors in this.

Anonymous said...

That's really impressive, almost a wrap-around sunset; colors are amazing as well!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love how the sky can almost pulse with stunning glows! Both pics are stunning!

Unknown said...

Two skies for the price of one. Bargain SWF posting.

Rambling Woods said...

Both views are stunning. Too many trees here to get a view like that..

Sarah Feeney said...

Woweee! Beautiful skies!

alicesg said...

This is a very beautiful photo for SWF. It looked like a postcard. Love the beautiful colours of the sky. Have a nice weekend.

Unknown said...

Wow those are stunning pictures, great job!

Juneau Alaska Photos said...

Greetings from Juneau, Alaska!
Simply gorgeous cloud formations. Nice job! Have a great weekend.:)

Ingrid said...

That's a beautiful coincidence !

Kerri Farley said...

Both views are fabulous!!

Misty DawnS said...

WOW!!! That is really gorgeous! I just love taking sunset photos.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.