But I hear that because of all the rain, a few farmers have lost their first cut and are relying on their second. (And how do I know all this? Ha! I learn a lot standing in line at the only bank in town.)
I have no idea why so many of the hay wagons around here are red...ruby red. But they sure are a pretty sight loaded up for delivery.

nice, i like that, it makes me want to run after it:)
Tractors all used to be red when I was a child. Good to see that hay wagons still are.
A nice autumn air about your picture. I would like to be in that scenery.
From Felisol
I'm sure there's a story behind the color of wagons and such, but I don't know what it might be. Neat shot though!
That is just absolutely beautiful. It's like a scene from a movie. Love it!
Oh now that is a fabulous shot. I really like this one...
This image has a nice seasonal feel to it. And I like the tradition of red hay trucks. It suits.
They sure look nice in red! Cool shot!
Great shot for RT. That is allot of hay on that wagon. Most of the farmers in this area are baleing the HUGE round bales.
That red hay wagon looks nice loaded with all that hay. These are a familiar sight where I live also. Most wagons I see are red or have red on them. Very nice shot.
Love your Ruby Red hay truck photo! Perfect!
Great photo! I'd love to ride on top of the hay.
What a lovely color that wagon is, and it looks so pretty against the hay colors. Nice photo.
Great shot. Love the red in the tree too!
Maybe so you can see them more easily as they are more slow moving?
You wondered about a bird smelling the cat fur. I did too and added on to the post. Some birds like vultures have a good sense of smell, but song birds may not have needed a good sense of smell and may have lost the ability. Interesting though
What a beautiful photo! Such a lovely peaceful scene. I love your greater masterwart below. ANother gorgeous photo. Never heard of that plant, but it's lovely.
What a beautiful rural scene - exactly the kind that warms my heart.
We usually have two cuttings here
Great shot!
really great colours, and a nice and peaceful scenery!
Perhaps it`s only for your Ruby Tuesday :)
I have to say, that this view is very rare nowadays in Finland because all hay is packed inside white plastic, that is EU`s direction! Round awful white big plastic packs around hayfields.
They can count them, if they want, from the air !!
But about this Picasa! Linux is ok, but Mac can get only part of it, I understood, but look at it and try!
Have a happy Tuesday !
Nice hay wagon. happy RT.
Beautiful shot.
Yes, it does look like a scene from a movie.
If it were an Indian Hindi film, the run away hero and heroine would be on the top of the hay stack singing a romantic song
- ha ha
Thank you for stopping by to see my red mosaic
The photo captures my feelings about fall, stock up, get ready for the winter.
Beautiful photo! It would make lovely greetings cards :O)
What a charming setting. Very inviting. Wish I was enjoying the sun while sitting under that beautiful tree.
Your photography is just lovely. I'm going to come back to visit often.
Thanks for visiting my site and for your RT comments! Cheers!
Splendid photo! Love the rich colors of it.
I'm sure the farmers and hay consumers are happy. We have a drought in Ga and the price of hay has been outrageous, ugh!
fall is my favorite season and your photo is like a wonderful advertisement for the joys of fall
Because the hay is ready! That is why they are red.
Red for Ruby Tuesday, of course. Or as Marcel says. LOL
Anyway it is a great pic. MB
Great photo to Ruby Tuesday!
Thanks for your nice comment on my Solidarity post.
That scene is transpoerts me back to another time a place. Idylic.
Hi, a beautiful landscape and a truck of hay to compose your ruby.
hugs, Denise
What beautiful countryside!
Great shot, and I agree, a pretty sight loaded for delivery.
A gorgeous bucolic shot, EG! A really good choice for a hay truck! RED! Happy RT!
Such a peaceful picture.
Amazing and vibrant colors. Very nice!!!!
The red truck, loaded to the gills, is the look of a successful harvest. A red stake truck looks just so honest, just ready for a day of hauling the crop...
Splendid photo for RT. Beautiful image too with that wonderful tree.
A hay truck and a fine looking tree. Very nice.
Pastoral bliss!
Nice picture. And hard work for the farmers due to the rain. There has been simular problems in Belgium because of to much rain.
Maybe they are red so they will be more noticeable driving along the highway, as if you wouldn't see anything that big anyway! Good choice for Ruby Tuesday.
It is very good photograph with marvellous colours, splendid rural subject with very big depth!
Oh, I LOVE this shot!!!
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