Poison Ivy
She comes on like a rose
And everybody knows
She'll get you in dutch
You can look but you'd better not touch
Poison ivy, poison ivy
Well late at night when you're sleeping
Poison ivy comes a creeping all around
You're gonna need an ocean
of calamine lotion
You'll be scratching like a hound
the minute you start to mess around
She comes on like a rose
And everybody knows
She'll get you in dutch
You can look but you'd better not touch
Poison ivy, poison ivy
Well late at night when you're sleeping
Poison ivy comes a creeping all around
You're gonna need an ocean
of calamine lotion
You'll be scratching like a hound
the minute you start to mess around

Poison ivy certainly looks like harmless beauty! I agree! Fantastic colours!
Ha! Fabulous warning. Love the rhyme! We have a bunch of poison oak around here besides ivy...
EG: Really liked this post and the Red is a warning sign. It is an itchy proposition, how I remember that song when it was a hit.
That's poison ivy????
I didn't know it looks like that!
I had never heard that--at least I don't remember it. But isn't poison ivy so lovely in the fall?
I hadn't heard your song but it is a good one. Those leaves are sooooo pretty but you'd better not touch either. :-)
Shiny leaves of three... good post! Will have to remember this pic when I teach my daughter not to touch the stuff. Of course, what I first thought of was autumn is coming upon us. Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Old song, but altogether true. My dad couldn't have looked at this photo without breaking out in a rash -- he was deathly allergic to the stuff, so we all got educated on how to spot it at a very early age.
Seems like a metaphor for many beautiful things in the world doesn't it?
That is poison ivy. I guess I had better learn what it looks like.
This made me so awwww....it's gorgeous!
I am here with Ruby Tuesday and Naked On a Horse.
So beautiful. So tempting. So absolutely horrible. (For me, at least.)
LOVE your Today's Flowers post, too. Excellent photos both.
The red adds color to the forest floor. I prefer to stay on the inside of the beaten track...
The song is of course the work of the Coasters in the 50s, composed by that talented pair, Lieber and Stoller.
You can look, and even take pictures, but you had better...
Oh great, now I'm going to be humming that old song all evening. "You'll be scratchin' like a hound..." Interesting Ruby Tuesday post, though. ;-)
very beautiful, I like the color very attractive...here's mine sweetnorms and travelnorms..
You are giggly fun today!! Thanks for the laugh.
Very beautful colors.
I'm allergic to poison ivy so stay as far away from it as possible!! But it is a beautiful shade of red. There is some growing up a tree here and it is starting to turn.
That tune takes me back a few years, its poison oak around here tho.
BTW - you are a winner on my blog!
What gorgeous colors for RT. Thank goodness we don't have any near us, and I don't remember tha song...
Thanks to Darla. Otherwise I would not get a chance to visit such a journal that's really impressive with photos terrific!
Oh, and Congrat's for your giveaway. Almost beginning for a new season, fall, and perfect time for coffee and tea. Enjoy:)
Shall be back soon.
~N in Istanbul
Wonderful image and love the song. I never noticed that poison ivy turned red like that in the fall.
RUBY RED indeed!
Thanks for your frequent visit to Avignon, much appreciated, and for your thoughts on mixing languages. I think globalization will speed up the mix, no matter what we think of it!
I've enjoyed catching up with your latest posts and photos. Many of them are gorgeous.
It sure is beautiful.
I must be getting old or something, but I have never heard that tune (I think). Neither do we have poison ivy.
But I know a good picture when I see it!
Thanks for sharing! Never saw on until today! :D the beauty of blog hopping huh! :D
Gorgeous shots!
I do remember the song - wasn't it popular not long ago.Ha! LOL!
I so remember having poison ivy as a kid - oh my gosh - lotion, lotion, lotion and I don't remember it helping.
I wouldn't have pegged that as poison ivy......hmmm
Hi, beautiful, I love the vibrant colors of foliage.
Ruby wonderful.
hugs, Denise
I remember that song
I didn't realize poison ivy was this pretty
Love the photos, and the song tie-in
That's beautiful red! Great shots.
I don't know the song, but I love the rubies!
It really IS pretty. People should know that it's not smart to burn it either because the fumes can give people a contact rash the same as touching it. My mother contracted it that way once. And my sister got it from touching a cat that had played in it.
Love the song.
Nice post. A few years we were at the Petroglyphs north of Peterborough and saw a young child hiding in a poison ivy patch. Poor thing.
Now i wonder : she'll get you in dutch, what does that mean ? (a dutch speaking visitor)
Good question! The expression "in dutch" is an old one and means "in trouble." I'm not sure where the expression comes from though.
Does poison ivy hurt, or just itch?
Poison ivy itches like crazy. (Unfortunately I know this from personal experience.) But it has never hurt me. Someone else might have a different story though.
Hmmm. No poison ivy in Tasmania, eh? You have no idea what you've missed. ;-)
Awesome Ruby Tuesday photos!
Wow ! very very beautiful ! wild gardens are often the most beautiful !
I remember the Coasters song and I encountered the plant a recently cleaning out weeds along our back fence - still have a couple of itchy spots! Great photos!
Nature has a funny way of zinging us sometimes.
Wonderful red amongst all green :)
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