Each aster has 50 to 100 purple, lavender or pink rays surrounding a yellow disk. So far this year, I've only spotted the purple ones but I'm on the lookout for the other shades too. Sometimes the flower's rays are amazingly uniform, and other times they look like the ones in this photo, folded back and forward in a haphazard way, which I think is part of their charm. I especially love the buds about to unfold.

Love the colors in your asters. Wonderful photo. Thanks for sharing these pretty flowers.
Very pretty! love the colour
I absolutely love these! So pretty!
They are always my favorites. Beautiful picture!
Beautiful purple asters! Love your butterflies below too!
I've been wondering how we are going to get flower pictures in the winter. I don't have many saved up.
Wow! This is a beauty!
perfectly capture! very beautiful..I love the color..
WOW! What color! Beautiful photo.
Hello, dropping by for a visit, which version of Photoshop Elements do you have? I have PSE V5.0
Astors are blooming everywhere here too. Very pretty. MB
Absolutely breath taking !
I love the closed one right under the main one.
Wonderful photo.
Wonderful colors.
We have these wonderful flowers over here I am very pleased to say.... Yours are stunning. :O)
These flowers are certainly very lovely. I am looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful photos! Thanks for the visit!
Very nice. We have some planted in the back garden and they seem to get prettier every year.
Wild beauty. We don't seem to have the variety of wildflowers you do - or perhaps I'm just not that good at spotting them.
I love asters and their colours are so rich and beautiful, especially when found alongside their complementary colour companion, yellow, wearing the garb of Goldenrod.
EG: That is a wonderful color on your Asters.
I might be back again, already. This is a lovely flower.
My flowers are at Thunder Maker
I love their colours. You took a great photo!
We were of the same mind with asters! This is a stunning closeup. Now I'm on my way to find the wild variety where I can. Thanks for sharing all the beauty!
They are a sure sign of fall aren't they? I love the fall colour scheme on the roadsides and in the meadows!
wow!love the colors!beautiful flowers!
I never knew Michaelmas Daisies, had a different name in Canada till today.
Mine have still to come out into flower.
How beautiful and cheerful!
Yes, they are so beautiful, and so many lovely colours! Thank you and have a nice week!
Gorgeous Asters. They haven't started blooming here yet. I've been on the look-out for them. I love that color and since the thistles are all done, we'll have more purple for a while.
I love these flowers.
Thanks for giving a name for my amarilis.
Lovely asters! Such a pretty purple and the yellow disk really stands out.
Beautiful :) I love the colour!
I love that color. Stunning photo of one of my faves.
Marvelous flowers, fantastic capture!
Thanks for post in TODAY'S FLOWERS!
Hope to see you always posting in TF!
I'm playing "catch up" to my blogging! I'm so glad I scrolled down to this one....an absolutely amazing shot! Should be on a greeting card or note card...or framed hanging on your wall! Absolutely stunning!!
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