But goats are curious and CAN get into trouble. Oh-oh, this kid here has advised me not to talk about scandals or I'll hear from its lawyer. ;-)
But I CAN tell you this goat lives at a nearby goat farm that sells goat milk, cheese and...shhh!...meat.
Did you know that more people around the world eat goat milk and cheese than that from cows? Apparently no one is allergic to goat products, which are easier for humans (including politicians) to digest.

You got to kidding me--tehehe--get it 'kid'ding?
I got a good chuckle out of your text then I read the comment from Rose and got another good chuckle.
Years ago I milked a goat daily for a neighbor’s granddaughter who could only drink goat’s milk as a baby. I found the goat easier to milk than a cow once we built a little stand for the goat to stand on.
My grandmother drank fresh goat milk due to an allergy to cow's milk. Wonder why nobody is allergic to goats?
What a lovely little goat :)
Just look at that sweet face -- how cute is that?! Loved your title and words, too.
Aw, he is adorable! I've never had goat milk or goat cheese but (cover the little goat's ears) I have had goat stew in Jamaica once...shhhh ;)
This is such a cheerful post , thank you :)
Cute kid and cute post!
Oh my. Now that is something else. I'm enjoying all these photos at Camera Critters this week. Amazing! I came with an invitation.
Announcing...The fifth launch of BlogBlast For Peace ~ November 6, 2008.
In a few short weeks bloggers from across the blogosphere, from all different points of view and beliefs, will unite as one and blog for peace. Two years later we are still going strong with over 38 countries participating and 1100 posts from bloggers just like you - saying the same thing on the same day. If you've never participated in this event, consider this your personal invitation from me to you. It is a wonderful day in the blogosphere.
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All it takes is one post.
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NOVEMBER 6, 2008
Dona nobis pacem,
He's a cute one! My mother used to raise milk goats. She met her third husband when she called in on a radio show asking if anyone knew how to make goat cheese. My step-father answered and they met and married but never did make the cheese. LOL!
Ahhh....so cute.
What a cute goat. I had a goat named Ruthie when I was a child. She ate my wool scarf!
thats a wonderful portrait!
What a beautiful kid! Lovely photo, too.
he sure is cute!
What a beautiful photo! Well... about goat milk, cheese etc. ... in my country (Turkey) we have goat cheese as well as normal cheese made with cow milk. Personally, I like goat cheese very much especially on salads! :-)
I didn't know that more people eat and drink goat products than that of cows! I like goat cheese very much and may be that's good for my two Aboriginal grandchildren, who get allergic reactions from cow milk. Beautiful photo and good information!
I love goat (and sheep) milk and cheese too. Nice picture!
Goats are very appealling - hard work but that muzzle feeding from your hand can melt you.
EG: What a great kidder you are, neat photo.
I've raised goats for years and they are wonderful critters. They have such good milk, and it makes awesome ice cream. I do hate to see tags in their ears though. The other goats tend to pull on them. I guess the big farms do this to keep track of everybody especially if they have lots of goats, and if many of them look alike.
A cutie! Great shot!
it is a cute kid for sure !! sandy
Very cute! I like goats, I even wanted one when I was a kid! :D
oh my god he's so cute! haha!
Love this! What ears!
He's really cute! I've tried to talk Hubs into letting me get a goat, but he says 'no' hehe
I LOVE goat's milk fudge! Yummmm.
A very pleasant looking critter for sure.
What a cutie! We like goat cheese at our house but haven't tried the milk.
Awww, it is a cutie. I saw quite a few of these at the fair. Cute, cute, cute! :-)
He is really cute! I like the photo...and I love its meat too! LOL My father-in-law grows hybrid goats too like that and when we were there we milk a couple of them.
What a great photo, love the little 'kid'. He looks very content. Did he eat that can?
My sister is getting a couple of goats to keep her horses company. Interesting animals and you take some fantastic photos...I love the flower and the single impression.
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