Thursday, September 4, 2008

To Touch Souls/ Sky Watch

" See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.”
~ Mother Teresa

To join in the Sky Watch fun, visit the Sky Watch blog at


Victor said...


Eki said...

an excellent post for the sky watch friday!

Tash said...

A definite WOW photograph. Thank you for giving us special, tranquil moments.

Texas Travelers said...

Great silhouette.

I like this a lot.

Come visit,

Rune Eide said...

Nice framing and nice work with getting that straw just right.

Quiet Paths said...

Just marvelous; in words and image. I could sit here and contemplate this scene for a long while.

bobbie said...

This is stunning.

Dewdrop said...

Touching souls. How beautiful. Love that the sky is obscured, but the colors are still so radiant. Phenomenal capture!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful shot

Brad Myers said...

Maybe the best I have seen today, great photo.

Anonymous said...

wow! beautiful!!

Juliana said...

OMG...this is SO gorgeous

Please drop at my SWF post also: in here and here Thanks

Anonymous said...

Great shot and quotation. Beautiful Nature and colors.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I like the quote, too...

Anonymous said...


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: You did a wonderful job with this capture today. It is really special.

imac said...

Amazing just beautiful.

Rose said...

This is a very beautiful picture!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Oh, my! A WOW, indeed! Beautiful photo; beautiful words.

Reader Wil said...

What beautiful words to go with the photo!

Anonymous said...

Great shot. I like the black straw.

Maria said...

Wow, beautiful skies! This orange is excellent! :)
To reach the Olympus was quite a thing. 2000 meters, and at last a nice climbing section. But I love the moment when you are on top, and here they had such a nice Greek flag...

Photo Cache said...

Inspirational image. Thanks for sharing.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Fantastic! A wonderful sense of drama and tranquility co-existing! The colours are magical and the touch of a leafy branch is like a gentle wave of farewell! Love it!

Maria Verivaki said...

that's a nice frame - well done!

Leora said...

Soft and wispy. A very delicate SWF.
(fyi, I did tilt the camera on purpose, but I had to gain more confidence to actually post my photo! Thanks for telling me it was arty).

Dogwood Daze said...

That's just lovely!

Anonymous said...

The title is perfect and great quote too. Such a serene shot.

Petunia said...

Love it!!!

Petunia's SWF post

Fish Whisperer said...

Absolutely beautiful. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Marvellous - I'm stunned.

Carletta said...

What a befitting photo to accompany Mother Theresa's quote.
It is a stunning image!

Louise said...

Another major "WOW!" Excellent capture. Perfect composition.

vincibene said...

A gorgeous impressive photo!

Fugazi said...

Wow, yes it is a wow. Amazing colours.:)

Pernille said...

Wow! Absolutly fantastic! Very nice work:)

marley said...

Brilliant shot. The colour is stunning!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Magnificent. Those words really to pertain to skywatch.

Anonymous said...

Very nice sky. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Stunning. What a great photo!

Pearl Maple said...

Simply beautiful. Lovely photo for sky watch friday that shows off the best of your view of the sky. Thanks for sharing.

Abby said...

Very nicely done. It makes me want to find some tall grass and a sunset.

Anonymous said...

That is'll have to rank as one of the best of the week!

Willard said...

If I were grading your photo I would give it an A+++++++! I simply love the colors, the composition, and the way you framed it.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Wow! I am speechless. This is a very beautiful photo.

Small City Scenes said...

You did it again!! Another beauty. Framed so special, I love it. MB

Arija said... lovely....
more, more, I'm still not satisfied!

dot said...

This is really a very beautiful picture! I love it! I normally don't like the messed with pictures but I love what you did to the bird below.

Kelly said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! It leaves me speechless! Except that I have to add fabulous, gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking! You captured it beautifully! Excellent photo!!

Anonymous said...

Nice SWF post - I'll have to get out my map and look up EG. And thanks for leaving your link at mine so I could discover your blog.Lots of cool stuff to see and read.

Columbo said...

That was one of the best so far, a WOW photo, great capture, awesome photography.

Craver Vii said...

What a lovely quote to go along with your beautiful photograph! Silence is golden. Sometimes noise complicates, muddies or ruins a special visual moment, I think.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous colors. I like the way it matches the shades in the photo in your header, too.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Well done, wordless!!!

Fantastic post!

Have a nice days!


Lilli & Nevada said...

wow this is a wonderful shot and words

Jules said...

Love this one too! *sigh*
And it wasn't raining (for once this year, eh?)

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Great shot and the quote.

Check out mine here

Shimmy Mom said...

Beautiful shot, with great perspective. Thanks for sharing.

Geraldine said...

Moments of nature's beauty and serenity are so important.

This is a wonderful photo and words to accompany. Well done! G

magiceye said...


Kyanite said...

Absolutely stunning!

It says Saskatchewan harvest sunset to me & brings back heaps of happy memories of sitting in the grain fields with the odd head of wheat still standing.

I'll be in for slapped wrists today with my post.

Som mine dager er said...

Excellent picture and the words are so so true. I love coming in here and watch you photos and read your thoughtful words. You must have a big heart!

me ann my camera said...

Very, very beautiful. Your photo has a suggestion of fall to come with the colours and stalk with seeds.

Dirkjogt said...

Beautiful picture! Perfect captured. I also like the accompaning quote a lot.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Simply beautiful. :)

Unknown said...

Stunning shot, indeed!

Have a nice weekend.

Marie said...

Stunning photo :)

Roan said...

I can't seem to find an adjective to appropriately describe this shot. Magnificent is as close as I can come. BJ

Neal said...

Very, very beautiful! You always have something great!

Darla said...

A lovely reminder. I need to sit in silence and contemplate more often.


Mary said...

That is fabulous! Just beautiful!

Tanya Breese said...

simple yet stunning...happy sky watch :)

Kostas said...

Very beautiful photograph, marvellous sunset but also the first plan create movement in the subject.
Great shot!

Daryl said...

Wonderfully WOW


PJ said...

There's always something going on up in your corner of the world. I love the composition of this piece. Thanks for sharing.

Ingrid said...

Wonderful picture !

Becky said...

That shot is so special! Excellant choice for SWF. Have a happy day.

Kerri Farley said...

Fabulous! I think this is the best Skywatch I've seen this week.

Barbara said...


Linda Reeder said...

It seems a sacrilege to say anything.

Anonymous said...

That's an excellent image to accompany that beautiful qoute (or vice versa).

Jeanne said...

Oh my!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful silhouette...

Catherine said...

Oh wow...beautiful beautiful capture! Also looks like you had a beautiful Sept. walk in the woods~beatiful mosaic!
Your photos are beautiful and artistic!
Happy skywatching!

Lew said...

Beautiful sunset. I like the way you framed this shot! Thanks for visiting my sky watch.

Tom said...

My kind of picture.... I love it and it fits the words to perfection...

Here's Mine


Yrsa said...

What a warm skywatch :)

Max-e said...

Superb shot

SandyCarlson said...

That takes my breath away. Just beautiful!

Katney said...

Oh, my!!!!!

I echo the WOW! of your blog name.

Capt. Ben said...

Silence indeed.

However long it took for you to set this up, it was worth it.

Great macro silhouette, nice technique.

Markus Latva-aho said...

Very nice how you isolated the one straw and esthetic lines it makes. Beautiful sunset on the background. This is the material the photographer wants to keep!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.