But wait! This isn’t my yard -- it's a tag sale in the parking lot of the Mount Albert Home Hardware store and it's hosted by the Mount Albert United Church.
People from all around EG donate unwanted items to this sale held twice a year at the unofficial beginning of summer (Victoria Day Weekend in May) and end of summer (Labour Day in September).
The hardware store parking lot faces a two-lane highway that runs between Toronto and cottage country. For sure, locals shop for bargains at this sale but some of the best customers are Torontarians heading north for a long weekend of fun. Sheesh! You can never have enough mugs, lampshades or Christmas ornaments at the cottage, can you?

Did I find anything useful at thus sale? I DID! Inside the tent were tables of used books. ;-))
I must admit if there is a sale like this it is the book stall for me first... then maybe a rummage for old tools and such.
It's that time again for yard sales. I know a girl who collects lamps. Where she puts them all, I don't know. She said she has close to 50.
Looks like a lot of stuff. I wonder what they do with the things that don't sale. I love yard sales but I seldom find anything good.
I'm not sure what they do with the leftovers. I do know a church member has a huge barn where a lot of the stuff is kept when it's first donated. Church volunteers may take some of the remains back to that barn for a second chance.
Newmarket -- the town just south of us -- has three charity stores: Goodwill, Salvation Army and Value Village, plus the Diabetes Society (I think that's the name) also picks up used items. Maybe they take it.
Darn it! i missed the sale. I'll mark the Labour Day sale on my calendar and show up then!
Nice to see the old farmhouses are being designated. Too many of them have been bulldozed. Last year an old Century house in Markham was bulldozed "by mistake" !!!! Huh... the developers just wanted to get rid of it as it wasn't in their development plans, I think!
It's scary how the city os gobbling up farmland, I really hate it.
...too bad I missed the sale..
- Cheers from Guildwood and
"Happy Victoria's Day".
Love browsing used books at garage sales.
Wow, that's a lot of 'stuff'. Books would do it for me too. MB
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