The twelve dark-brown spots on this dragonfly made identifying this Twelve-spotted Skimmer (
Libellula pulchella) a snap.
This is a male. Both males and females have dark spots, but the male has white ones too.

I found this male perched on a twig beside a small East Gwillimbury pond. He was protecting his territory, sitting on weed tops and then flying out to challenge any other male who entered his area. Each tries to fly rings around the other. He who succeeds gets to sit on a nearby perch. The other has to move on.
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Awesome photos of the dragonfly! We have those in our little garden pond and I love them zooming all around. They are bold, too, and buzz our heads. Your photo of the orange tabby reminds me of our Tuffy Boy we took in nearly 2 yrs ago, but sleeker ;o)
I found you from Sandpiper's comment post and thought I'd say "good job!" and maybe you could see Tuffy, too. KLH
I am in awe of this image. My poor inbuilt zoom could no sooner do this than ... In your second image, the stance of the dragon-fly for some reason reminds me of a monkey. Wierd, hey?
A really big "WOW" for you today. These are fantastic shots! I don't see many dragonflies.
Fantastic macro -- and what an interesting dragonfly... Super shot!
EG: You really did some nice close-ups of this dragonfly. I shot some yesterday but these are just super.
Great dragonfly shots!
Wonderful to learn each time something new.Your photos are perfect! This dragonfly is beautiful and spotted like my Fresian cows and yours!!! Of course there are cows in East Gwillimbury!! But we have no wildlife here apart from some waterbirds. Yesterday however I heard on TV that there has been an invasion of raccoons, which have no real enemies overhere.
Great captures....the other day when fishing, dragonflies were landing on me! I was wishing for my camera, but there is no way I am taking it out while fishing...it would probably end up in the lake knowing my luck.
Superb photographs - really stunning.
Wow another wonderful close up this is amazing
wow! these are breathtaking captures... love the detail!
Wow! These are marvelous!
Wonderful captures. No matter how hard I try I only get blurs when I take photos of dragonflies. They always choose to move just as I snap the shutter.
Amazing photographs, marvellously posts, splendid your blog! I will return at an early date!
truly gorgous and what a close up . I feel like I'm there sandy
Beautiful, incredible photos! You have such lovely pictures on this blog.
Absolutely fabulous closeup again.
Lovely shots with terrific detail!
I love watching the dragonflies and damselflies darting about this time of year. I just posted a red dragonfly; perhaps you could pop over and identify it.
I enjoy watching them fly over our pool in the evening catching little bugs. They are true acrobats. Nice photos!
indeed wow! superb macros!
This is one of the nicest posts I have seen this morning. The photography is just plain excellent and the narrative is short and to the point.
WOW! Dragonflys are soo unique! I love them!
These are fantastic photos! I've got some shots of 12-Spotted Skimmers, but none of them compare to these! Amazing!!!
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