The red-spotted admiral above is a close relative of the white admiral I posted a few days ago. In fact they sometimes cross breed making identification difficult. But this is a classic red-spotted admiral, and it's absolutely crazy about milkweed. It poked its proboscis into many blossoms for the sweet nectar and paid me NO attention. Ha! Like I was invisible or something.
These are stunning capture and make me want to get the camera out.. trouble is it is raining very hard at the moment.
I like your photo. We have these here too but only one or two now and then. I got some pictures of black Tiger Swallowtails yesterday.
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo
I enjoy seeing butterfly photos and this one is a beauty for sure. That was nice of him to stay still for you!
Your butterfly photo's are wonderful. Do you suppose they are telling one another where they
can go to have their photograph taken?
Sure is a beautiful creature! You could post butterflies from now on and I for one would enjoy every one of them.
What a beautiful butterfly you captured. Well done!
What a great shot! I have not seen that many butterflies in my yard this year....but the flowers I usually have did not do so well this year and I have a 4th set of baby robins where the mommy robin is dive bombing anything in her way!!! so maybe that keeps them away.! Nicely done, though.
Beautiful shot. Don't you love it when they pose just so. BTW Great minds think alike---I posted a winged critter today to. MB
Gorgeous! I love butterflies.
Wow! Stunning photos!
We haven't had as many butterflies as we usually have so you sho me as many as you like, especially as pretty as this.
I like your butterfly photos. Keep them coming.
Oh, to be invisible to a butterfly. You are lucky. Beautiful pictures.
The little clown and the pollywogs , cute the pictures of chipies and butterflies in general make Zephr a special place
Oh it is Beautiful! I LOVE it!
Gorgeous shot!!!
Such a beautiful butterby to capture with your camera - the lighting and colours are just perfect!
Thanks also for your lovely comments on my blog too!
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