Saturday, October 4, 2008

Goat Herder/ Camera Critters

If you think this dog loves me, you'd be wrong. It was watching me intently, but it was its JOB. AND it was afraid I was getting too close...

but, unfortunately for ME, not close enough. Camera in hand, I had been slowly edging my way towards a herd of goats, which I could hear in the distance, their bells ringing as they climbed the hill.

Once I was in too close for the dog's comfort, it rushed down the fence line and -- without even a bark -- forced the goats to hide in the thick brush.

Hey, nice doggy. (You ARE a nice doggy, aren't you?) All I wanted to do was take a photo!

To join in the Camera Critter fun, visit Misty Dawn's site at


Marina said...

The goats are very indifferent. On the contrary the dog is an...Argus!

Rose said...

That picture of the dog should win is wonderful!

dot said...

Cute dog picture! Amazing how he looks after the goats.

Shammickite said...

I hope the goats appreciate all the doggie TLC!

Hope said...

A good dog to do his job as protector so well!

Mary said...

Well, you got at least one good shot of both dog and goat! How interesting to hear how well the dog works with the goats.

Tanya Breese said...

I think he's a nice dog, he's got a sweet face! What a smart dog too!

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

Well, no matter that he was a watchdog for the goats, you captured two great images!

Anonymous said...

That seems most unusual. Lovely dog.

Dina said...

He sounds like a welltrained shepherd. Nice light you got on the one horn of the goat. It would make a nice shofar to blow on Yom Kippur. :) (Sorry...) Just kidding.

Juliana said...

lovely dog

I hope you stop by at my CC post also in HERE. Thanks

Anonymous said...

He LOOKS friendly and cuddly. Maybe he is when hes not on duty. Lovely dog though.

Carletta said...

He is a gorgeous dog and I'd say very well trained!
Love the composition of the first image!

Juneau Alaska Photos said...

Greetings from Juneau (AK) Daily Photo!
It's interesting that the dog didn't even bark. Great photos!:)
I hope you're having a great weekend.

bobbie said...

Well he's a darned good goat herder!

Christy said...

Nice shots and isn't nice to know that the dog was doing his job well.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

He is a beauty and he takes his job seriously.

How do you get your pictures this big on the page? Lisa

Unknown said...

He looks like a nice doggy!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Just so cute a astory and images.

ratmammy said...

that's a smart doggy!

bcmomtoo said...

You may have missed the goats, but the picture of the dog is great! Those are some serious eyes.

i beati said...

I've been to St. Georges and found it to be a very spiritual place- . Nice animal post big pictures I love sandy

Roan said...

Smart dog! Perhaps if you had explained why you were there he would have been more considerate. Nice escape shot of the goat, though. BJ

Anonymous said...

Lovely captures!

Have a nice sunday...

Reader Wil said...

Your photos are as always very wonderful and the animals are great! The dog is a real herder. In Dutch we call him a "herdershond".

maryt/theteach said...

EG, great photos! He really looks like a nice doggy! I do like living were the seasons change but as a grow older I think I'd like to give Florida a try or maybe San Diego... :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh i love these photos.

Busy Mom in Iowa said...

Awesome pictures!

Willard said...

Excellent photos and a good story.

Jim said...

Hi Ms. T.G, this is a neat series telling of you and the critters.

Thanks for reading my poem, I do that writing on my Sunday post. Yes, I did meet Mrs. Jim that evening, 37 years ago.

Sorry I missed you on Skywatch this week, you had some very pretty photos of the St. Georges area.

Kelly said...

What a great looking dog! Great photo!

Mary said...

awww, cute dog portrait, even if he did chase the goats away...

Rambling Woods said...

That is amazing that the dog knows what to do to keep the goats safe...

Misty DawnS said...

What an awesome dog!!! I love herding dogs (g, maybe that's why I have three Border Collies hehehe). He's obviously VERY good at his job. Your photo of his is outstanding!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.