Sunday, November 2, 2014

Botanical Garden

 Toronto Botanical Garden #1

Yesterday (Saturday) I  attended an all-day meeting at the Toronto Botanical Garden.  This part of Toronto is at least one growing zone warmer than East Gwillimbury but I was still amazed to see the colour still on the trees and shrubs there.

 Toronto Botanical Garden #2

Japanese maples were a bright red. I'm jealous because Japanese maples are lucky to survive a year a two here in E.G. before they succumb to our cold winters. Darn!!

While in the meeting I could see S-N-O-W falling on these beautiful trees!  North of the city, we had actually woken up to snow on the ground.  I guess it really IS November!

Leaves  that have fallen onto some slanted north-facing windows

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


Revrunner said...

The colors are splendid!

diane b said...

Beautiful colours and the leaves on the window makes an interesting shot.

rainfield61 said...

It's November.

Time flies.

Snow flies.

MadSnapper said...

i love the contrast of the green and the brilliant colors in the first photo. I assume after the snow they will all fall off.. i like that leaf stuck to the window, looks like it is suspended in space

eileeninmd said...

The maple are a gorgeous red.. beautiful colors and images.. Have a happy Sunday!

Mersad said...

I especially love the intense red colored leaves. Beautiful images!

Mersad Donko Photography

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous color!

William Kendall said...

I don't recall a botanical garden in Toronto. Beautiful shots!

Birdman said...

Eye-catching foliage.

Mary Hone said...

Those colors are amazing!

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous colors and superb captures as always!! Looks a lot like it does here in Oregon!! Sometimes too chilly, but always beautiful!! Have a great day!!

Judy said...

The snow missed us, thank Heaven!! I love the colours in the trees! I wonder why Japanese maples don't live long for you, when there are several in the neighbourhood here... We are further north than you are, after all...

cieldequimper said...

Ah! Sorry to have to say this but I'm looking forward to seeing snow in Ontario! :-)

Yesterday was quite literally a summer day here. Nice but way too warm and still we don't have such lovely colours...

Anonymous said...

Explosions of colour!

Carola Bartz said...

Beautiful shots of these fiery colors! I love Japanese maples because of their incredible red shades. We have one right in front of our house and I love to look at it from our kitchen and bedroom.

Linda W. said...

Nice fall colors!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is SO beautiful!!! I just love Botanical Gardens! Our nearest one is almost an hour and a half away, but I try to go twice a year. Oh NO, snow!!!! It might as well be winter here, it is in the thirties and lots of wind. Now it will be dark at 4:30 thanks to the awful time change last night. We set the clocks back one hour.

RedPat said...

I think there are even more leaves still on the trees further downtown closer to the lake. We saw just a few flakes blowing about yesterday and that was enough. ;-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

The intense color on those trees is amazing. Yes,it really is November and the snow will be on the ground before long,I'm sure.

Jenn Jilks said...

Yes, time and snow will fly.
Lovely colours. So soon it will by white.

Michelle said...

Gorgeous colors!

Randy said...

Marvelous color.

Stephanie said...

Gorgeous colors and love the last shot!

Splendid Little Stars said...

so beautiful!
It snowed here Saturday morning--just flurries really.

Anonymous said...

The red maple is very pretty. Enjoyed each photo.

Grandma Honey said...

I've read that even looking at pictures of nature can calm a person. I'm glad i found your blog because I've been able to try this theory out and it works! Of course it helps that the pictures here are stunning.

kayerj said...

What a beautiful place to spend a day. I bet you had a ton of fun taking pictures.

Craver Vii said...

That's sad to lose the Japanese Maples. I like them a lot. We have one in my backyard. The climate here gets cold too... we're in the Chicago area. I "shudder" to think how cold it must get up there to lose those trees. Keep thinking warm thoughts!!

Pat Tillett said...

REALLY nice photos! I really like the one with the leaves on the window.

Snow? It still feels like summer here.

Unknown said...

LOVE the colours :)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.