The deer were as interested in watching me as I was in taking their photos. And I'm sure that if THEY'd had cameras they would now have some fun photos of a crazy lady dressed in a strange hat and many layers of clothes who crossed the field to get close up to their fenced-in area.
As some of you know, I posted a scene several days ago with two deer in the snow. Here they have multiplied to four and have gone sepia.
The process: In PhotoShop Elements 6.0, I changed the photo from colour into B&W and then added a layer of sepia.

What a great shot. the color or no color is great.
I took Kylee and a friend home from their FFA (future farmers of america) meeting last night and in her friends field were some deer and she said they are albino--and they were white and looked like the wild ones--I tried to get a shot but it was semi dark and i am just not good at night pics--but it was neat to see the white deer. MB
BTW--what is a deer farm.
Wonderful photo. I'm so glad they just didn't bound away.
This farmer grows deer for venison. There was something else on their sign too but I can't remember what t said. We also have an elk farm nearby, I presume for their meat. I have no idea who buys it, probably some upscale restaurant in Toronto.
All that was lacking was a Santa Clause!
They look very healthy and not startled to see you and your funny hat! :D
Oh, I'd have this one framed!
I like the feeling the sepia shot emits and how you have the deers utmost attention... Its all very balanced and quite artistic.
A wonderful picture, EG!
Another lovely shot.
Not sunbaking weather though!
Absolutely gorgeous!!
Looks like we were in the same snow storm ,looking at the images that you and I have been posting lately! I passed through a snow storm and could NOT resist stopping to take photos.I was looking for deer but you captured them so beautifully!! I did see wild turkeys but we were going too fast to stop.
That's a very good photo for Christmas! Beautiful.
I love the photo and love how the deer are looking at you. ;-)
Oh I love this! Really beautiful. Wait, you have deer FARMS in Canada?! We have wild deer up the wazoo down here -- no need to farm them. ;)
Lovely work! You are posting some excellent sepia work, keep up the great work!
Four deer in one photo and I can't even get one! Nice job!
I love how they seem to be squinting because of the snow falling.
It's a lovely image! The sepia really works.
Mary's comment made me smile - it's the same here.
It is a beautiful shot, certaily one I wish I had taken!
What a wonderful shot, they have such expressive eyes.
Winter in EG seems tailor-made for sepia.
Great photo. It looks like an illustration in an old book.
This is dream image for me. Magnificent beast captured perfectly.
I love this scene, it's just stunning. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Wow! They looked and posed for us! Love the effect of the sepia treatment here...must be since they are domesticated then they are used to seeing people...what a nice place to enjoy photographing lovely animals!
Hi,this is a beautiful picture, very dreamy,like in a fairy tale.
Thank you for stopping by my SW.
this is like a picture you can use for Christmas card. very beautiful!
It's a beautiful photo and I love that they're looking right at the camera. Color, black & white, sepia... it's a great shot no matter what color it is.
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