Thursday, June 11, 2009

Big Sky/Sky Watch

Big sky over patchwork fields

We've had so much rainy weather, many farmers are having trouble planting their fields. I have seen a few fields with corn about two or three inches high, though.

To see tons of gorgeous skies from around the world, visit the Sky Watch Website and click on Mr. Linky:


Unknown said...

Such a wonderful view!!

B SQUARED said...

Never having been a farmer, it always seems like "feast or famine" when it comes to rain.

Janet said...

Hmmm, aren't you posting early this week? Anyway, great Skywatch! Mine will be a farm scene too.

Anonymous said...

Very picturesque! Most of the farmers here plant cotton and greens. Lots of sod farmers near me, too. None have fields as pretty as this!

cieldequimper said...

The sky is like a huge watercolour!

Rose said...


PERBS said...

Well, it sure made for a beautiful picture for us to see!

Dewdrop said...

Love the quilted sky!!!

Photo Cache said...

Big sky indeed. This image shows how free of clutter the landscape is. I love it.

Rune Eide said...

Once again I find the details on the earth most interesting. You have a knack of making the small things look great.

Guy D said...

What a view.....great shot.

Have a fantastic weekend
Regina In Pictures

Tom said...

A great view for sure... the farmers have cut early hay... and just got it done and moved when the rains came.. As I write this the sun is shining brightly... heres hoping.

Gill - That British Woman said...

the weather is just terrible isn't it!!! Great photo,


Small City Scenes said...

That is big sky. It looks so flat there. Too many hill and mountains in Western Washington. Even the valleys where it is flat don't really look too big because they are ringed by the hills. It is always so interesting to see the rest of the country.
Gorgeous shot there. Corn here is about the same height but we have been having really warm weather and 22 days without rain so irrigation is in effect. That's measureable and in Seattle too. I think we've had a little here but surely not enough. It's not like us to have no rain for so long. WE NEED IT!! MB

Maria said...

What a wonderful landscape! It makes me wish to ride on horseback!
Have a nice weekend!

Carver said...

That is a big sky and a big landscape too. Great shot. I hope the weather will cooperate with the farmers.

bobbie said...

Almost a panoramic view, isn't it? Really nice!

Eric(NL) said...

Well done, nice setting.....GREAT picture!!!

Have a nice Skywatch Friday!!

Greetings from NL

Carol said...

Beautiful sky...the fields look like where I live...we also need less rain right now to finish planting...

Frans54 said...

Looks great. Beautifull landscape under a fairly friendly sky. I hope the farmers get some luck with the weather the coming weeks (over here we had too little rain untill april and too much in may and sofar during june which is not perfect for working the fields nor for the growth of the crops either).

Anonymous said...

Wide open spaces - This looks like someplace out west of here like Montana or Idaho! But you're in Canada, so I guess it isn't!

Gunilla said...

Fantastic view.

Thanks for sharing

Gunilla in Sweden

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

beautiful country side, hope the rain stops soon

annalarssonphotography said...

Glorious view!!! :)

I hope the rain stops soon!
Have a great friday.


Jane Hards Photography said...

An way of life that must be both hard but worthwhile. Beautiful picturesque postcard image.

Deborah Godin said...

Wow, that one goes beside the dictionary definition of "forever"!

janice said...

Picture perfect, it could be used for advertising, a really great photo.

Enjoy your weekend!

Carletta said...

It's been so wet here the farmers can't get the hay cut and my garden is suffering from too much water.
Lovely shot.


Wonderful shot and view! A summer day with a summer sky - I miss that!

My shots made you wonder: The shots are of the sky reflected in a glass building! I took them today - so now you know why I miss YOUR sky!

Bim said...

This is a lovely big sky - one for a big breath.
But I agree with your comment on my rain clouds - they're beautiful indeed, but not always when one is underneath :)

Jim said...

Great scenery,
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic shot! Love the view, the skies, the composition! Perfect!
Enjoy your weekend!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Very beautiful photo! Great view!

Lowell said...

This one takes me back to my youth in the farm country of Minnesota...

Do you think the corn will be knee-high by 4th of July?

I guess that's probably a saying popular only in the U.S.


Colin Campbell said...

Beautiful work. Love the colours.

April said...

Aw, I hope the rainy weather clears up soon. Wonderful picture!

Shammickite said...

And it's STILL rainy as I write this!!! Sigh.....

Rune said...

Lovely photo!

Becky said...

Now that rain is here. Wish we had your skies, But we do need the rain.
happy SKF.

Adrienne Zwart said...

This is a beautiful view. I love farmland!

Jeri ~ said...

Wide open spaces - Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Great landscape and the sky is just so perfect for outings.

George said...

This is a wonderful scene which you have captured beautifully.

SandyCarlson said...

This spring's weather has presented quite a struggle. Tough going.

Amazing photo.

Sally in WA said...

Great view! Thanks for sharing this lovely photo.

James said...

I love the view, it's so peaceful.

Unknown said...

Beautiful farm scene! Lots of rain here this year also. We welcome it!

Alan said...

Lovely sky. We've had a ton of rain here in Florida lately as well, ruined lots of potato crops. Too much of a good thing!

Pearl Maple said...

Great big patch of sky you are sharing with us this week. Good luck with the rain, weather can be a bit off an on that way.

When my dad had a farm he would complain that it was always in drought, or flood or in danger of fire, rarely the happy medium.

Tara R. said...

Looks almost like a painting. Beautiful scenery.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: Beautiful photo of the sky over the plowed fields, nicely done.

Ebie said...

Very lovely clouds, so soft I'd like to reach them!

Gaelyn said...

Looks like soldier clouds, row upon row, upon soak the soil with their life giving water. Yet, too much of a good thing is no good.

What is normal about weather these days?

Great capture for a BIG SWF!

Sanna said...

Beautiful! =)

The farmer mentality always bothers me when I go home to visit my family. Living in the city I live after the clock and the calendar but my relatives out in the countryside live after the weather. When I ask "When are we going to do that", I expect a time as an answer and not "When the weather is right". =)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful photo. I love the way the fields look at this time of year. The sky and the earth look so big!

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

That's a beautiful shot and a perfect description - patchwork fields. I love the fresh clean colours.

vincibene said...

A wonderful countryside view!

Arija said...

A wonderful shot of a beautiful rural scene, just my kind of place.

Jim Klenke said...

Our corn is probably 2 ft tall already, the rain this week was needed but hope it wasnt overkill. Nice shot.

Hildegarde said...

Yes, the patchwork (nice landscape !) is still quite brown, of course you're up north, interesting all those differences on our earth, but the landscape could be in Flanders too. Till next week !

DeniseinVA said...

I think we sometimes forget that there is such a thing as too much rain for farmers. I love your photo.

Unknown said...

Very cool view !!

We have had quite a bit of rain, here, over the last few weeks. Made it hard to finish planting my garden as well !!

Great shot !

Jenn Jilks said...

Such a big sky! I am watching clouds form in Muskoka, but still the sun shines!

PJ said...

Another beautiful expanse. It looks like you don't have a lot of light pollution, do you ever do night photography?

Roan said...

Gorgeous view. This could be a photo taken in my neck of the woods!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

This would make a beautiful watercolor. The fields and sky have a soft quality. Very nice capture.


Regina said...


Naturegirl said...

Great big sky! Today there was a similar sky...I could not stop staring at it!

Girl Tornado said...

What an absolutely GORGEOUS sky and view. I really do love this shot.

Anonymous said...

That is indeed a big sky, and a beautiful one.

EG CameraGirl said...


Night photography is on my list of challenges to explore. ;-)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.