Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Looks Like Yesterday/ Sepia Scenes

Farming today sometimes looks a LOT like times gone by

To view other Sepia Scenes visit MaryT, theTeach at


Anonymous said...

This is sad. No life in the picture when there was nothing but life around these old barns just a couple of decades ago. Times have changed a lot and with it when most of the life that lived and worked on farms.

I started a new blog just for our flowers
Our Flower Pot

Anonymous said...

Sepia suits this - it's timeless in its lack of modern technology.

Carletta said...

Wonderful sepia subject!
I do agree with Abe - not as busy around this one as in times gone by.
I'm happy seeing it seems really well taken care of.

Dagrun said...

I do agree, one sometimes has the feeling time has not advanced a bit. Sepia emphasizes that of course.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the barn image in sepia, very effective at evoking feelings of days gone by.

Lowell said...

Just a superb photo. Reminds me of so many farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

What lovely photos, so peaceful.
Thank you for sharing and also for stopping by for Ruby Tuesday.

Ralph said...

This aged scene could have occurred 100 years ago. A peaceful farm just awaiting the crops to grow and be harvested. A beautiful and timely view!

Julie said...

Barns are one of my favorite subjects, old wood, they just beg to be sepia or black and white. Great capture.

PJ said...

It's great, you could have fooled me. I wish I was around more of this. I really appreciate that you feature so many beautiful country scenes.

Mojo said...

I'd have to concur. Sepia suits the subject. (And other alliterative thoughts.) But if we were to go back to the time when this place was hopping, we'd be shooting film!

Oh the horror!

PERBS said...

I like barns but I prefer the red ones.

Anonymous said...

Great sepia & the flowers below are beautiful!

Becky said...

No matter how many barns I see, they are all so great.

judi/Gmj said...

Oh, Oh, Oh! I know what that pile next to the barn is!! It's where you grow horseradish! Seriously it is.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Another gorgeous sepia scene, EG.

Thanks for sharing.

Rose said...

I like this one for sepia...would love to see a view of it from another direction.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful old barn. My kinda photo :)

Anonymous said...

Timeless effect thanks to your sepia treatment. Well-done!

Robin said...

Beautiful and timeless.

You have such beautiful countryside all around you, what a gift.

Tom said...

Excellent title and picture to.. sometimes I come across a view and think it could have looked like this years ago... Now I know how I can present that to my advantage..

Tom :O)
My daily blogs: Wiggers World and Pictures & Words

Anonymous said...

The barn is looking good in the sepia tone :)

Marie Reed said...

It certainly is refreshing to see that some things haven't changed much:)

Mariz said...

Perfect in sepia. Loved your composition.

Deb said...

Great effect in sepia, looks like it was really an old photo!

Roan said...

Looks like Grandpa's old barn. Makes me nostalgic.

EG CameraGirl said...

Not to worry, Abe. This IS a working farm. And there are many farms in my area still.

Cezar and Léia said...

Some feeling of solitude...
Beautiful sepia!

Jientje said...

Old barns are just perfect for sepia scenes, and yours certainly is!

cieldequimper said...

OK, you're just kidding us, right? In fact, you did a spot of time travelling over last weekend, right?

kayerj said...

EG is another time, I love following your blog.

Kahshe Cottager said...

So sorry I am late making sepia rounds this week!

You know how much I love seeing rural scenes and especially the barns. This looks wonderful in sepia! I didn't get the feeling of abandonment from seeing it - more like a pause in the day's activities.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.