Curious about "Camera Girl"
I climbed a high bank to capture a handsome farm beneath picturesque clouds. In the field in front of the barn stood a herd of cows, thoroughly unimpressed by me and my camera. Or so I thought. I clicked the shutter two or three times then climbed back down the hill, looked back up and there they were...all in a line, peering over the fence at me.
Please note: Photo Hunter is the post below

I loved this post! So funny, clever and CUTEEEEE ! They are adorable and they are staring us! :-)
You are so lucky!Your place is wonderful and I would love to visit there some day! ohhhhhhhhhh beautiful land...Canada!!!!!!
Have a great day dear friend!
Keep smiling!
Léia and Luna(from Brazil)
Wonderful! I love this shot! The angle on it is perfect! It makes for a very funny post that made me smile!
Too cute and funny. They really are curious aren't they. You are so brave to be tramping around the countryside. Super shot. MB
Thank goodness you didn't have cow food in your pockets you could have been mobbed! :D love you natural captures. No way could you have posed this one!
Oh this is excellent! Look how nicely they stand in a perfect row for you!
Haha! Superb! What a line up. All the different expressions is wonderful. Very Bovine.
Curious cows. Too funny! I bet they thought you might have a nice ear of corn for them.
I love this one!
How did you line these guys up. They do look like they are posing for you. Made me chuckle just viewing.
Gorgeous photo! Cows are such poser-girls, they really are, but you really made the best of it here LOL.
Must have been feeding time!
Camera Girl forgot the hay I guess. :)
Wonderful shot!
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures</a
Very nice! You'd stare too if you saw this strange creature with a funny looking box coming out of her eyes!
Thanks for the laugh!
Awesome photo. Cows are cool, I grew up next to a farm and spent lots of time with cows!
My Camera Critters
Not a lot of cows in my 'hood.
I played too :)
Cows are inquisitive creatures - Great shot! :)
Cattle are curious creatures. They were probably hoping you'd feed them though.
Cute EG.... That one (4th from the right) looks like he is trying to give you a KISS. ha ha
bovine rockettes sandy
Too funny! This was a great post. Thank you!
great shot, I think cows are a rather friendly creature.
LOL ... ya gotta luv this post!!! Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Hugs and blessings,
Gorgeous photos.
this is fantastic!!! you're wonderful :)
What a wonderful picture. I grew up on a farm and completely understand the cows' interest in what you were doing. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
You've got admirers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely wonderful photo! Love those beautiful faces!
What a teriffic shot! Three cheers for you climbing up that hill.
It sounds like they are saying "Got Milk?" Great shots!
Love the photo. There's a good security force on this farm!
LOL... that is such a funny photo..
I like the look of that black and white cow, with it's nose through the fence..
Definitely got that 'Watcha doing?' expression :-)
Very cool shot..
One day two cows were meeting at the fence. The first cow said, "Moo!" The second cow replied, "I was just about to say that, too!"
Buenos Aires Photo Blog
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